The law enforcement in the United States received the record of D.Trump's compromising interview: talk about the love story


Attorney Michael Cohen, now banned by Trout, stumbled upon a report of research on women's payments aimed at extinguishing compromising media reports of the current president's non-servile ties before he was elected president in 2016.

does not violate the campaign finance law, and whether Mr. Cohen has committed other financial crimes. The lawyer has not yet been arrested or charged.

The FBI took over the case earlier this year during a search of Cohen's office, writes the New York Times in a sensational article referring to information from lawyers and others people familiar with the investigation. ] This report will undoubtedly give rise to speculation about the damage that D. Trumpe might have caused to Mr. Cohen, who had already hinted that he was inclined to cooperate with prosecutors to escape the arrest.

Trump 's current personal advisor, Rudy Giuliani Times confirmed the truth of the matter, but added that the transfer of money has never been done. He also claimed that the president of the republic did not commit anything.

FBI agents searched Mr. Cohen's home and office in April under the direction of Special Prosecutor Robert Müller. The lawyer, former director of the FBI, investigates Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election and wonders if the Truman campaign was corrected by Moscow.

Mr. Cohen's lawyers found this entry when they had access to material collected by federal agents during the raid. The lawyers shared the record with D. Thrump's lawyers, writes The New York Times.

"To make things clear like a day, my loyalty is mainly for my wife, my daughters and my son, and for this country" McDougal and Stormy

Karen McDougal, former Playboy model, said she met her future president in 2006, shortly after the death of Melania, D. Trump's wife, in a TV interview with ABC News. gave birth to their two sons Barrona. The woman claimed to have kept her romantic relationship with D.Trump for several months and also told CNN TV that he was trying to pay her for bad.

The story of K. McDougal repeats D.Trump's novel with badgraphic star Stormy Daniels, whose real name – Stephanie Clifford. This woman claims to have had a relationship with D. Shortly for the same period.

million. Cohen, who became the personal advocate of D. Trump's attorney in 2007, paid out $ 130,000 to Daniel Janiel before the 2016 election. Dollars to keep her quiet because of the supposed novel with D Trumpe in 2006.

The attorney first claimed that he had paid S. Daniels with his own money and that Trump had not compensated him for these expenses. The President later acknowledged that Cohen's expenses had been paid, although he initially denied any knowledge of this payment.

White House officials quoted Thrumpoh's words that there was no novel with S. Daniel. () {
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