The Netherlands paid tribute to the victims of a Malaysian plane shot four months ago by a Russian missile


Four years ago, relatives of victims of a Malaysian plane killed in eastern Ukraine were awaiting justice and staged a memorial tragedy Tuesday near the memorial near the city center. 39, Schiphol Airport near Amsterdam

. The MH17 flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was killed by the explosion of the Russian production missile BUK in eastern Ukraine after the flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

The country's prime minister, Mark Rutte, was headed by Marcus Rutte. Participants at the ceremony laid flowers on a green ribbon memorial made up of 298 planted trees.

The names of all the victims were read aloud.

The President of the Association of Victims of Peace Victims, Piet Ploeg (Pita Plug), pointed out the plight of sedentary families

"We are faced with" We have not still identified all the remains of our beloved people, "he said.

The Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) concluded in May that the BUK missile TELAR, which aircraft MH17 was shot down and belonged to the 53rd Russian Airborne Missile Brigade based in Kursk, according to researchers, the convoy was transported to eastern Ukraine

. Low, supported by Australia, for the first time publicly declare that they attributed the responsibility for this disaster in Moscow.Both parties are considering the possibility of raising a case in Russia in international courts

Although the investigators requested information on two potential suspects, no charges have yet been filed and no one has yet appeared in the Schiphol trial

anywhere in the world. The Netherlands will continue to fight for truth and justice, "Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok wrote in the social network Twitter

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