The observations of the emigrant aroused the surprise of the Lithuanians: do you also see Lithuania?


A woman after Lithuania traveled with her husband for a week and a half. "Lithuania in 2018 June – July Joy will not be enough", – J. Zaleskytė-Schlager started his story.

"Opinion – Lithuania is losing, dying and very fast Vilnius is filled with absolute freedom, unobserved Beautiful, free, full of life The cost of parking in the center of Vilnius is very high (0.50 EUR / 12 min.) ", Wrote J. Zaleskytė-Schlager.

But Vilnius airport is not the best. She was also surprised by the way to and from the airport.

"It is one of the capitals of the EU, and it also calls itself INTERNATIONAL.We were forgiven for saying that our car number, as the owner of The site's service company, was "non-standard." He was allowed to enter the site, but he did not have much success due to the fact that the computerized parking system of the site was not a success. International airport sweeps only Lithuanian car numbers.So, traveling to Europe with his car, Austrian, German, Belgian, decided to go to London for a cheaper weekend, will have a problem if he leaves his car at the parking lot of the Vilnius International Airport ", – DELFI told the woman. and you see such a Lithuania? ” width=”580″/>

© DELFI / Karolina Pansevič

And here she appeared to him "dirty and dirty". "Dirty, yawning and totally obsolete public transport.Taxis are dirty, dirty, scary, but the service is very cheap.If you have to go to Kaunas for three or more people, you better get a taxi", – l & # The impression was shared by Lithuanians living in Austria.

She also drew attention to the construction work in Kaunas. "Unrealistic". [196590109] The sight of the emigrants surprised the Lithuanians: do you also see Lithuania? ” width=”580″/>

© Kaunas Town Hall

Speaking of Marijampolė, Lithuanians pointed out that there are very few people in this city. "Marijampolė is a well developed residential area, but private is poor, new and beautiful city buses, and in the very center of Marijampol there is a beautiful clothes shop," she writes.

The Most Criticized for Two Cities

Most J. Zaleskytė-Schlager Criticized Plungė and Trakai

"Plungė is terrible and unrealistic poor.The Oginskis Palace does not reveal the l & # 39; tragic image that surrounds them.Trakai – mud, smelling cheap cigarettes, asphalt and dirty pads, full of uncertain origin points and vermicular beer and sperm stains and d & # 39; Tourists traveling by boat tourists only call for Russian and Polish. ” width=”580″/>

© Photo of Readers

Moreover, she met the fact that she did not know what she was up to. The Užutrakis estate is again restored, even though it did not last two years after it was completely cleaned.Privenai also appeared to him as a very poor town.

J. Zaleskytė – Schlager criticized the roads of Lithuania. "This is the best way to e out of the way. "Continuous wheelbase even while driving the Vilnius – Klaipėda highway. The cat on the cat. The new roads of local importance are also not of the best quality because the rut is already happening. If she hits on the road that leads to the object that she wants to see, but it's not exactly where the tourists are traveling, this road is in a state of emergency, "was -she says.

She drew attention to the road from Kaunas. Klaipėda at the Windė Ragą

"I was the last time I ran for about 6 years.There were beautiful fields, lots of beautifully laid out farms, the road wasn''t bad, but this time it was something bad.The fields are abandoned, covered with shrubs, old and old farms, but the yards have been cleaned, the flowers planted, everywhere clean.Now abandoned, disordered old and rotten auto-technical dumps have been made.After that, we are very unintentionally lost and entered the gravel roads, and there is even more poverty.In a word, the image of Švėkšna will not come from Švėkšna to Kintai.The basin area already starts and there is something different there, even though Svencele and Dreverna also have a lot of poor houses and the roads are very poor ", – DELFI said a woman

Women have had an irregular Lithuanian driving and the fact that many of us drive from Kretinga to the Hill of Crosses, we have gone to several towns and villages that are not included in the places you visit, this is not the only way. is not very good thoughts. It's the same thing while driving on the road Panevėžys – Kaunas. The road itself is fine, but the property is bad by the side of the road. We came to Ramygal, because we saw a very large church from afar, we have not done it for a long time because the image of the city is very sad, "said J. Zaleskytė- Schlager

Surprised by the behavior of local people

She also gives two examples: in the municipality of Molėtai, where, according to her, around beautiful farms, the courts can be pulverized, garbage misty are to be found at the bus stop, but a trash can is kept nearby.

Another example of Kernavė was the distribution of free ice cream from the island of Kernavė to the Joniškio šventė, a kiosk filled with Ice was home to an overflow bin – paper of the people It was right next to her.For three stages, according to one woman, a large clean and empty container was built, but it was too far for the ice to be able to s & rsquo; The woman he also remembered the image of Kernavė, where the inhabitants rolled and howled in the street with "bamboo" hands.

Astonished at Telšiai

However, a city was pleasantly surprised by she. It is Telšiai. "It's not bad at all, there are a lot of people in the city and cars, the movement is going all over the place, life is flourishing in a big city, and everywhere else there is very little of people and a lot of poverty. "



" Of course, the Curonian Spit, Palanga, Molėtai, other towns and resort areas are really beautiful, but it does not reflect the districts of the big country and people's living conditions.And it's very sad.But in Marijampolė, I really recommend a small shop for women's clothes.The Lithuanian products but of very high quality and the prices are fantastic, "- said JL Zaleskytė-Schlager in DELFI.

Also, the woman was very surprised that in the heart of Klaipeda, near Anika Square, there are very cheap restaurants and cafes they mean that there are not enough customers, because in such a place the prices should not be significantly different from the seaside towns of Western Europe.

"In general, traveling through Lithuania, the overall picture is sad.The most common impression of the country is from the road.And the roads in Lithuania are really unfortunate, the fields are irregular, there are a lot of fields irrigated and uncultivated, because people simply do not have the money.A very large number of irregular and very poor farms, in abandoned fields and packages in the Only towns and camping villages are excluded, but they must be specially driven off the main roads ", – the impression was shared by Lithuanians living in Russia for seven years.

Expert: This is a provocation

At this time, communication specialist Arius Katauskas, commenting on the observations of J. Zaleskytė-Schlager, drew attention on the emotional stress and the chosen form of the message ” width=”580″/>

] post (message feisbuke – red.) As special as it is, it is concentrated. She emphasizes, hugging all Lithuania, what's wrong. And suddenly, there is a burden of negative information. Usually we had – look, this thing is bad, but … and suddenly we get a huge amount of this negative information. Yes, it must be admitted that many of the things mentioned here are probably true, but there are no alternatives presented, possible solutions ", – said AA Katauskas.

According to him, most comments in the different articles are similar. "

" We are beginning to feel that we are losers because we live in such a country, and especially losers, if we always feel good about it. no evil, we ignore the evils, such a message says that I am a kind of "scrubber", showing something neglected, especially when such messages appear at a global rise when we greet each other and that 39, a negative charge arrives at this amount, it causes you.In no case, this message can be considered a provocation, "he says.

 Arius Katauskas

Arius Katauskas

© DELFI / Kiril Čachovskij

According to a communications expert, it would be different if an emigrant came to say: "I came to Lithuania, yes, there are a lot of problems in comparing with states that have been free and independent for centuries, there were empires and kingdoms, but there are so many good things – well, that's fine, and solving this problem would be a story. " In this case, the discussion would begin with what and how it should be changed.

"Communication from us and our emigrants often uses the words" everything is fine, but ", which completely eliminates our pride." The party was, but … "," well rested, but … "is the question of the structure of our language.It is about what emotions you carry.As human communication brings me to negative emotions, I start to deny the content, I start to find mistakes in the content to deny the opinion of this person.On the other hand, A. Katauskas observes that more recently the opinions of people have been distinguished in the public space – before there was a more negative context about Lithuania, but now things are changing – increasing and Positive messages are increasing, positive things are being highlighted, thus highlighting negative aspects and causing arid reactions.

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