Ms. Butina, 29, from Barnaul in southern Siberia, is best known in Russia as the founder of the "Pravo na oruzije" organization, which fights for wider rights in the country. 39, acquisition and possession of firearms. The organization has a longstanding and close relationship with the powerful National Association of Lobbyists of the United States (NRA). It seems that the relationship with the NRA was in place. BUTIN was a way to influence the Republican Party and the entire US government.
Representatives of the NRA went to Moscow, while Ms. Butina was photographed with Republican presidential candidates. In 2015, Russia even found itself next to the new Trump campaign, and in an event he questioned him about US sanctions against Russia.
Support from Jolton
In 2014, GQ magazine wrote that Mr. Butina "In his childhood, he loved watching his father search and clean his rifle." Scanpix / AP photo / Mariya Butina "rel =" content-image "src =" https://s1.15min.lt/static/cache/NTcweCw2OTV4NDE2LDYzNTE5MyxvcmlnaW5hbCwsaWQ9NDA1MzIxMiZkYXRlPTIwMTglMkYwNyUyRjE4LDQ1NTE3Mzc4Ng==/trump-russia-probe-5b4f253778469.jpg "style =" width : auto; height: auto; "/>
Scanpix / Photo AP / Mariya Butina
In 2010, Mr. Butina graduated from Altai in 2010. Faculty of Communication, Philology and Political Science of the University of Hawaii. State University
In 2014, "the right to hold a weapon" was already distributed throughout Russia and the organization was joined by a variety of Russians – the nomenclature of the main political parties, nationalist, In the masters studies and while studying, he joined the "Public House" of the Altai region (officially a non-governmental organization "Public Chamber of the Russian Federation", which actually imitated defending the public interest).
At age 21, Ms. Butina opened the furniture store network and, after a year, she founded the organization of arms "Right to Hold "and moved to Moscow.Already settled in the capital, a young woman sold all her stores in m and opened an advertising agency from which she lived and worked
AFP / Scanpix Photo / Mary Butina [19659008En2014"TheRighttoHoldaLaw"wasalreadydistributedthroughoutRussiaandtheorganizationwasjoinedbyavarietyofRussians-undertheumbrellaofmajornationalliberalpoliticalparties[19659002] The organization establishes contact with the badogous US-NRA group. rights. An initiative "My house is my fortress" called for the extension of the legal definition of self-defense and reached more than 100 thousand.
Reuters / Photo of Scanpix / NRA logo
As remarked Ms. Butina was introduced to a rather influential American curator, a member active NRA, Paul Erickson.
And in December 2013, the "Right to Hold" account was congratulated on YouTube. from John Bolton himself – Dr. Tromp's current adviser on national security. Jolton Bolton expresses support for Russians seeking the right to buy firearms more easily.
A.Navalnas congratulates the activist and Mr. Butin and the organization founded by it, under the auspices of A. Torchin At the time, he was senator in the Council of the Russian Federation and currently vice-president of the Central Bank of Russia.
A. Torshin also wanted more rights for Russians with or in possession of firearms. Scandalist Vladimir Jirinovsky, controversial actor and director Ivan Ilya Ponomariov, and former parliamentarian Ilya Ponomariov, "The rights to have a weapon" on the list of honorary members.
Photo by Scanpix / Aleksandras Toršin
In 2014, Ms. Butina participated in the elections to the House of Commons and her candidacy was supported by Alexei Navalna, known in the West as One of the leaders of the Russian opposition
"Butina fights for civil rights – a normal election campaign," A.Navalnas said, although Mr Butina did not say Place in the "House of Commons".
Photo by Scanpix / Aleksey Navalna
People who previously worked with Mr.Butina "Meduza" said that women sympathize with the opposition and participated in the protest. Bolotnaya Square in Moscow. True, she was determined to "work with the opposition and the government" as a "fan of weapons ideas in Russia".
However, Ms. Butina's patience did not have much of it yet. She left the position of president of the "Right to Gun" in January 2015, and this year the organization was completely liquidated – the court ruled that laws on public badociations were being violated
Today Now, the website of the organization is closed. On the social network "Vkontakte", where this account is subscribed by 40 thousand. users. On July 16, when Mr. Butin's arrest was reported in the United States, a tweet message appeared: "We believe that these allegations are also unrealistic and political."
The source, Medus, told Torshin that Mr. Butina was "good staff member capable of performing the task". She was fascinated by her determination at all costs to achieve her goal: "If she found a place in Mr. Torch's team, it was useful to him."
AFP / Scanpix photo. / Maria Butina
Asked D. Trumpe
In the year 2015, Ms. Butina joined the American University in the US capital, Washington, where she decided to pursue an international master 's degree. Naturally, she started spending more time in the United States.
In America, Ms. Butina has visited many NRA events, and documents published by the US Department of Justice announce that an anonymous US citizen has introduced her to several prominent politicians. According to the Washington Post, this citizen – Erickson already mentioned.
A. Torshin, the tutor of Mr. Butina, also supported relations with the NRA and several Republicans. According to Mother Jones, A. Torchin also visited the events of the NRA, where he invited the leaders of this organization to Moscow
Mr. Butina traveled with the Americans specifically with A. Torshin. In 2015-2016, she participated in several NRA conferences where she had contacts with reputable Republicans, including Scott Walker, the governor of the state of Wisconsin, who then attended the Republican primary elections [19659034] Scanpix / Sipa USA / Scott Walker ” rel=”content-image” src=”https://s2.15min.lt/static/cache/NTcweCwsNjE2MjQ2LG9yaWdpbmFsLCxpZD0xMjUwMDI2JmRhdGU9MjAxNCUyRjExJTJGMDUsNDAwNTQwMzI0MA==/scottas-walkeris-5459c1e80ed59.jpg” style=”width: auto; height: auto;”/>
Scanpix / Sipa USA / Scott Walker
June 12, 2015 – Dr. Trump will announce participation in the presidential election in a few days – the article "L & # "Bear and Elephant" appeared on the portal The National Interest.
The author quoted the Marquis de Pompadour as saying that the Republican electoral victory would go a long way towards improving US-Russian relations.
A month later, Ms. Butina appeared in the Trump campaign in Las Vegas where she could ask the future president of the United States, does he plan to maintain sanctions against Russia? D. Trumpa, initially accused of condemning the previous White House administrations, responded: "I do not think that there is a need for sanctions."
Cariene and G. Rasputin
According to The Daily Beast, M.Butina, in November 2016 and his birthday, and D.Trumpo mentioned the victory in a presidential election for a special party. Several representatives of the Trump campaign came to him.
P. Erickson arrived with Grigory Rasputin, and Mr. Butina himself was dressed as Queen Alexander, the wife of the last Russian tsar, Nicholas II. G. Rasputin's Opinion on the carien was very important
Grigory Rasputin
It was reported that during the same party, Ms. Butina helped several representatives of the D. Trumpo campaign to establish contacts with Russia. She has also boasted of such help during lectures at the American University.
Last March, A. Torshin and Mr. Butin dined together with a group of Republicans. Among these, there were two members of Congress. Dinner was part of the national breakfast breakfast breakfast.
A few months later, it was announced that A.Toršin was to meet the same Trumpe himself during this trip to the United States. However, the Russian authorities denied this badertion – Mr Butina, who stressed that the delegation had no authority to negotiate on behalf of the Russian state.
The same weekly "Time" wrote in March 2017 that Mr.Butina and A.Torshin's hikes This campaign has not received much attention, but it is really successful – the organizations Kremlin-related are friends of prominent American evangelicals, lawmakers, influential lobbyists like the RNAs. 19659009] Time has written that M.Butina and A.Torshin's hikes are "a long-standing effort to build bridges between Russian leaders and American conservatives."
Last December, the New York Times also mentioned Mr. Butin in an essay. about Erickson's efforts to bring Trump's representatives to the Kremlin
P. Erickson writes in May 2016 Chronicle letter to Dr. Trump's campaign advisor, Rick Dearborn. In a letter titled "Relationship with the Kremlin", he says that he was "able to slowly unearth the channel to President Putin's Kremlin".
Twitter / Paul Erickson
This year, Mr. Butin appeared in a McClatchy publication on a US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) study on the role of A. Torshin in the illegal transfer of $ 30 million. NRA Dollar The organization released these funds in support of D. Trump's candidacy.
He was interested in the appointment of R. Miller
in the US Department of Justice indictment () states that Mr. Butin's letters were actively communicated to the contacts In the Republican Party, he called for a "constructive relationship" with Russia, although US rights in the Kremlin flourish as a former opponent.
Americans have almost no doubt that Erickson and Republican MP Dana Rohrabacher are in the position – Mr Butina wrote that the era is unique, since the NRA already has a huge influence on Republicans .
A contact, as alleged, by P. Erickson in an answer, Ms. Butina wrote that she had to "balance between two opposing imperatives". It is necessary to persuade the people of the United States that she represents Russia after Putin, but "at the same time do not criticize him and not hurry to come to power of his heir."
Reuters / / Scanpix Photo / Mary Butina
The Ministry of Justice also provides several help by messages from A.Toršin to Mr.Butin. It is advisable for the latter to embody "patience and composure" and "to believe in oneself".
Mr. Butina, in other letters to the Americans, claimed that the Kremlin had received the approval of these "channels of communication." Trumpui had won the elections, and she had discussed with A. Torshin the problems the solution of which might bring the United States closer to Russia.
Scanpix / AP Photo / Mariya Butina
The Washington Post writes that the FBI interest Mr.Butin was prior to the appointment of Robert Mueller as a special prosecutor and before he begins to investigate the possible involvement of Russia in the 2016 US presidential election.
More than that, R.Müeller and his team, apparently, n & # 39; 39; has nothing to do with Ms. Butine's case – the investigation was conducted and charges were prepared by federal agents and prosecutors outside the office of R. Miller and the FBI has received a rumor. ] (function () {
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