The Syrian regime raised the flag at the border with Israel's occupied Golan Heights


The Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (OSSH), a Syrian observer in Syria, said that regime forces had entered a buffer zone between Syria and the Golan Heights and there had hoisted a flag. said SOHR chief Rami Abdel Rahman, who said that government forces and police had entered a devastated Cuneitra, said SAMG leader Rami Abdel Rahman

According to him, government forces and police entered a devastated Kuneitra. Al-Watan, a source close to the Damascus regime, reported that Syrian troops had hoisted the Syrian flag over the Cunitre crossing, several dozen meters away from the enemy Israeli soldiers.

1.2 kv thsd. The Israeli city of Golan Heights was sacked from Syria during the Six Day War of 1967 and was later added to this part. The international community does not recognize this step.

About 510 sq. United States peace support force

The state news agency SARA SANA reported that "troop deployments were deployed on flag pavilions and released in the city of Cunetira ,

The fighters of the Hayat Tahrir al Sham (HTS), led by the former al Qaeda unit in Syria, occupy Cuneitra and the buffer zone near the city, which was fenced during decades.

From there, he was deported to the northwestern province of Idlib by an agreement under which the rebels committed to surrender their territories to the Syrian regime. These talks were negotiated by Russia.

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