The US law enforcement received President D. A brief compromise on the conversation


A long-time US President Donald Trampo's lawyer recorded a conversation about how the current head of state talks about payments to a former Playboy model with whom he made the novel , and this entry is part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Crumpy's lawyer, Michael Cohen (Michael Cohen), came under the spotlight of the women's pay investigators, who sought to extinguish compromising media reports of the current president's non-marital ties. before being elected president in 2016.

The Manhattan federal prosecutor's office explains whether such payments are contrary to the campaign finance law and whether Mr. Cohen has committed another financial crime. The lawyer has not yet been arrested or charged.

The FBI resumed previous research at Cohen's New York Times office, in a sensational article, based on the information of lawyers and other people familiar with it. investigation. ] This report will undoubtedly spur speculation about the damages Mr. Trump may have caused to Mr. Cohen, who had already hinted that he was willing to work with prosecutors to avoid arrest. Speaking with the New York Times, Rudy Giuliani, a short-term personal lawyer, confirmed the authenticity of the registration, but added that the transfer has never been done. He also argued that the Republican President had not committed anything

. FBI agents searched Mr. Cohen's home and office in April, following the order of Special Prosecutor Robert Müller (Robert Müller). The lawyer, a former director of the FBI, is investigating Russia's presumed interference in the 2016 presidential election and wonders if Mr Trump was campaigning with Moscow.

Cohen's lawyers found this entry when they had access to materials collected by federal agents during the raid. The lawyers shared the case with D. Short Lawyers, writes The New York Times.

"To clarify things as a day, my loyalty is mainly to my wife, my daughters and my son, and for this country" McDougal and Stormy

The former Playboy model Karen McDougal (Karen Makdugal) said she met a future president in 2006, he said in an interview published by ABC News on television in an interview with Cohen.

Shortly after D. The short woman Melania (Melanie) gave birth to their two sons Barrona. She claimed to have kept her with her for several months with a brief romance, and told CNN TV that he was trying to pay her for bad.

K. The story of McDougal takes over the implicit story of D. Short with bad star Stormy Daniels (Stormi Daniels), real name Stephanie Clifford (Stefani Kliford). This woman claims to have maintained a relationship with D. A brief summary of the same period.

million. Mr. Cohen, who became a short-term personal lawyer in 2007, paid out $ 130,000 to Daniel Daniels before the 2016 election. Dollars to keep his silence due to a supposed novel with D. Shortly in 2006

The lawyer first stated that she had paid S. Daniels with his own money and that D. Short did not pay them back for these expenses. The President later admitted that Cohen's expenses had been paid, although he first denied that anyone was aware of this payment.

White House officials quoted D. Short term of his novel with S. Daniels. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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