The US Secretary of State resigned to Congress: he will testify to the meeting between Dr. Trumpe and Putin


million. Pompeo will also be invited to answer questions about Trumpe's meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, President's speeches against NATO's collective defense principle, M's controversial import rights. Trump.

VIDEO: D. Trumpo and Kim Jong A meeting: handshake, conversation and agreement

"I am going to talk about many things, including relations between the United States and Russia", as well as "extraordinary An important meeting between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin, said Mr. Pompeo.

VIDEO: Internet mocks the face of blushing Melanie Trump after congratulating Putin

A meeting of Presidents behind the closed door struck US lawmakers and criticizes commentators.However, Mr. Pompeo argued that "by writing the story, I think this meeting will be mentioned as having benefited the world."

D. Trump also shares similar views

"Although the NATO Summit in Brussels is recognized as a triumph promised to spend billions of dollars earlier – a meeting with Russia could finally prove even more successful ", writes the president on Twitter

while the NATO meeting in Brussels was a recognized triumph, with more than billions of dollars Member States at a faster pace, the encounter with Russia could be more secure. to prove, in the long run, even more fruitful.

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 18, 2018

At a general press conference in Helsinki, Trump was more confident in the word of the Russian leader, ] and no statements by US intelligence services about Moscow's interference with the 2016 US presidential election to undermine Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.

Truthfully, back in Washington, D. Trump believed in US intelligence: he was not at the press conference

Also, last week it turned out that the leader Russian, who met Putin, invited the Russian leader to come to Washington.

VIDEO: The Washington Intelligence Directorate unexpectedly responded to a visit to Washington, DC

Only two presidential interpreters participated in the two-hour interview, so it is possible that Without a short time in the United States, no one knows exactly what was discussed

. 15min has already written that US intelligence was able to discover what Trump was talking to V. Putin . ] (function () {
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