The world is "in love" with Russia, says FIFA President | Sport


G.Infantino met with Putin during a meeting with former world football stars such as Danish goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel and British defender Rio Ferdinand

"We are all fallen in love with Russia, "said FIFA President Vladimir Putin at a meeting in the Kremlin, broadcast on television

" All those who have been here for a while are now discovering a country that we do not know, "he added.

Despite tensions with the West, Putin succeeded

Human rights groups warn that Putin is using the world's biggest sporting event to coexist with his authoritarian regime.

Formerly Human Rights Watch in the United States (HRW) declared "the greatest human rights crisis in Russia since the Soviet Union" [1 9659002] On the other hand, the World Football Championship brought an unusual carnival atmosphere to Russia's usually conservative; The unexpected success of the Russian team in this tournament also contributed to this.

"Russia has become a real football country.The football virus has fallen into the body of every Russian citizen," said G.Infantino

  Scanpix / AP photo / Gianni Infantino and Vladimir Putin

Scanpix / photo AP / Giannis Infantino and Vladimir Putin

The country has been visited by hundreds of thousands of strangers, and many claim that they have managed to find another softer Russian side

"Many stereotypes about Russia have just collapsed," Vladimir Putin told his guests and a former Dutch football player, Marco van Basten

"People have seen Russia as a hospitable and welcoming country for its visitors, "said Vladimir Putin.
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