Thieves took a safe with a poison poison


  Booms to be shot in the Syrian kingdom / photo

The booms are being filmed in the Syrian kingdom. / photo

Dutch police are looking for hackers who stole a museum safe, considered a very dangerous poison.

Last week, burglars broke into the ancillary facilities of the National Museum of Science and Medicine of the City of Leiden and kidnapped a refrigerator-sized safe containing an old container containing a little money. "In South America, hunters were shooting arrows at Kurars," said Amit Haarhuis, director of the museum. – Recently, our potions were offered to our collection, but we decided we did not want them. Therefore, we put ourselves in a safe and we planned to destroy it safely. "

  Poison is extracted from Strychnos toxifera cortex photo

Poison is extracted from Strychnos toxifera According to the head of the museum, the poison is very dry and reminds a piece of black sugar, the material is stored in an old glbad bottle with a red cap, with the inscription "Curare"

.Curar is usually made from plants of the genus Chinchibus Strychnos toxifera Bark a Strychnos toxifera .The animal touched by a poisonous bow is lethargic and smothered, but its meat remains fit for consumption.

Police warned that the substance was very toxic.]! function (f , b, e, v, n, t, s)
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