UK threatened not to divorce with EU accounts


  United Kingdom

United Kingdom Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab. Francois Lenoiro (Reuters / Scanpix)

The United Kingdom (UK) can not agree to pay a boat at 44 billion. Eur. ask for a divorce with the account of the European Union if the two parties can not agree on a free trade agreement after the Brexit

On such a position Sunday afternoon, the Sunday Telegraphusimin Dominic Raab, the new secretary of the UK Brexit. ] You can not use one part of your business, and the other one is not. I think we have a reason to believe that one does not exist without the other, Sunday Telegraph. Raab

M. Raab was recently replaced by David Davis, Brexi's negotiator, who is stepping down due to his dissatisfaction with Britain's Brexit plans, by Theresos May

. The UK leaves the EU

The EU is skeptical about the UK's demand for Brexit to have a free trade agreement with the EU, as the press release issued in July. May.

Rayy's commentary

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