Nord Stream 2 undermines efforts to create collective energy security, which poses a threat to each country individually. "Europe depends on Russian gas … Russia can and must remain a gas supplier for Europe, but it should not dominate the market," Francis Fannon told reporters.
Fannon: "Europe depends on Russian gas … Russia can and must remain a gas supplier for Europe, but should not dominate the market to achieve its political goals." [LesÉtats-Unispoursuiventleurseffortsdiplomatiquespourrenforcerlasécuritéénergétiqueendiversifiantlessourcesd'énergieetlafaçondontilslesapprovisionnentadéclarélesEtats-UnisaffirmantquelesEtats-Unispréconisentladiversificationdesfournisseursderessourcesénergétiques"-adéclaréFFannon[19659006Washingtonajouteque"Washingtonattendavecimpatiencel'adoptiondeladirectivegazdelaCommissioneuropéenne"
According to the Russian Government Gazprom, which already controls a third of the European gas market, the Nord Stream project 2, the real pipeline annual bandwidth by the end of 2019 would be doubled to 120 billion.
Reuters / Scanpix / "Gazprom"
The most controversial benefits to the project are the most strongly opposed by Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine, at the same time, Germany, which shares the view that Nord Stream 2 is a commercial project, has already provided all the p necessary for the construction of a pipeline on its territory and of an exclusive economic protection.
President Donald Trump recently declared that Germany was "a Russian mbadacre" because of an "inappropriate gas agreement with Moscow"
The development company of this project, whose only shareholder is Gazprom, has already received the competent Swedish and Finnish authorities. This is not yet the fourth most important country for the implementation of this project, Denmark. Its parliament pbaded a law last November authorizing the government to prohibit international projects in the country's territorial waters from threatening national security. These projects include Nord Stream 2.
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