V.Putin in Helsinki walks around D.Trumpas around his finger is bad news for all of us


From Trout and Putin's meeting in Helsinki on July 16, one person will come out the winner – a guy who enjoys hiking in Siberia, rather than eccentricity, not walking behind the golf course , but moving the carriage

from others? We are losing – the opportunity to give us even more peace and prosperity.

As the US-Russia Summit in Helsinki will be the first to involve populist populist nations. Putin and Trumpus are not worried about the fate of the rules – based international order.

D. Trumba does not care about the alliances and multilateralism that the previous presidents of the United States built and fueled so deeply in the last century. And V. Putin, who annexed Crimea in 2014, has swamped state borders with military might – in Europe this has not been the case since the Second World War

Another Transatlantic Alliance?

It's no wonder that the Allies find themselves in Europe what they are so desperate to preserve – the post-war security architecture of the Old Continent, the 39 European Union and liberal democracy.

The withdrawal of the United States from America was still the greatest strategic goal of the Soviet Union

D.Trumpas with V. Putin will meet a few days after the summit of the United States. NATO, waiting for new attacks against Europeans allegedly cheated and residing in the United Kingdom, where there will certainly be major protests.

The visit of the President of the United States to Helsinki will be a special moment. Strong Leader.

D. The Trump World The United States, based on America First, think that Putin is perhaps the greatest political present since the team of Boris Yeltsin told him that he should change the President of Russia ,

As the United States withdrew from Europe during the Cold War, was perhaps the greatest strategic goal of the Soviet Union. Now, Putin is likely to believe that the mission is absolutely possible

  AFP / Scanpix Photo / Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

AFP / Scanpix Photo / Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin

Because so extremist Political forces, which , incidentally, like Russia's Putin like Russia, are really intrigued in Europe, the Russian president will already be able to imagine a completely different transatlantic alliance. The fact that the US president is posted in the White House, who despises the allies, doubts the benefits of NATO, attacks Angela Merkel and says that "the EU is perhaps worse than China", the Kremlin is truly like God A gift

anointed with empty promises

In Helsinki, V. Putin will undoubtedly bring the KGB's knowledge baggage and hang D. Trumpa around his finger. The Russian leader easily reads that Trumpa does not understand very well and is obsessed with vanity in general.

Moreover, Putin will benefit from the fact that D. Trump in Helsinki will again be unpredictable even for his own advisers.

When Putin was re-elected President of Russia, Dr. Trump's advisers stressed that he should not be congratulated – of course, the US president did not dismiss and congratulate Putin.

In truth, Dr. Trumm is convinced that he is in foreign policy a victory after the other. And after meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, no matter what the historical event has been largely usurped by China, he thinks he will be able to have fun in Europe.

  Reuters / Scanpix / D. Trumpo and Kim Jong Uno The emotional moments of the meeting

Reuters / Scanpix photo / The moments of Dmitry Trump and Kim Jong Un

US Allies in Europe s & # 39; Most worried about the possibility that D. Trump may decide to stop joint military exercises with former partners.

"A variant of the meeting with Kim Jong Un may be a variant – it is possible that he (D. Trumpa, – dir.) Mentions the withdrawal of US troops from Europe. NATO corridors, it is the main source of anxiety, "said Tomasz Valašek, former Slovak Ambbadador to NATO and director of the Carnegie Europe Research Center

. US allies are worried about the possibility for D. Trump to stop joint military exercises. The old continent

It is difficult to overestimate the unequal chances of the two leaders. V. Putin has built a kind of militarized autocracy in Moscow, and at least the theoretical constraints of the US Congress have been curtailed by the US Congress, particularly with regard to sanctions against Russia that he can not not take and cancel

V.Putin has never been in contact with any of them even tried to correct the bilateral relations – until what the Kremlin shows to again that the confrontation with Americans dramatically improves the internal audience, it will not go anywhere.

No need for a successful world championship, V.Putin. It could easily distort Trump's implicit concessions in Syria, promising to reduce Iran's influence in the Middle East.

The White House announced Monday that the United States "does not recognize Russia's attempt to annex Crimea". It seems that one can understand D. Trumpa, who has already answered the question of Russia on the recognition of the Crimea in one word: "We will see".

However, skeptics have already noticed that the message is circulating today.

Putin can not help but think that Washington and Moscow together decide the affairs of the world – just like during the Cold War

alongside John Bolton, Dr Trompow's national security adviser last week Moscow met with V. Putin, there was a wonderful Russian expert Fiona Hill, no matter if his acquaintances reached Trumpo's ears.

Russia is no longer a superpower. The size of this country is equivalent to Italy, the inequality is a record number, the protests increase. The defense budget is only a fraction of the American. Russians emigrate, capital comes out of the state

But interventions in Ukraine and the Middle East help Putin to compensate for his unsuccessful efforts to modernize Russia. The mere fact that a bilateral meeting with Truman usually takes place is a victory.

Putin can not help but think that Washington and Moscow together decide world affairs – just like during the Cold War

American fans in Europe often say that Mr. Trump's speech does not mean anything especially in Russia, because the United States has actually doubled the funds allocated to European defense. But arms and troops will not really be a question if the US president is in principle hostile to Europe – and that's the case.

"Talking to Putin himself is not a problem.It is important what he says.In Helsinki, the court will be a narcissist who will think that he is creating a At that moment, Putin kicked in secret ", – notes N.Nougayrede.

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