What secrets hide the sails of S. Darius and S. Girėnas to the legendary pilots?


Brief Historical Memory

When the first minibuses appeared in Kaunas three decades ago, one of their names in the road table was memorized: "2nd Hospital-D.Girėno St.". In addition, an honorable citizen at the time said that Jaunte, Darius's young wife, who had come to see her and kissed her, had puzzled the woman about the question: "You are the Darius Gironas's wife? "

the episodes testify to our brief historical memory. Thus, by mentioning the 85th anniversary of the death of the great-great-grandchildren of S.Darius and S. Girenas, an appropriate opportunity to revive this memory.

The museologist and collector Jonas Čepas evoked an important historical moment of the Transatlantic Revolt, Daughter of Stephen Darius and educator Jaunelos Liudvikas Škemaitė Nijolė. Nijolė, born in Kaunas in 1925, graduated from the Kaunas University Medical School and became a therapist, married Adolph Mashtar in 1949 and a year later, Skirmuntas's son, while he was working at the Kaunas Medical Institute. He taught the students and never forgot to hide the remains of his father and his companion at the Medical Institute in 1944. The problem is that she did not know the secret site, "he said. declared J. Čepas

The "Lituanica" covered by an orange-colored ghost, after pbading through Atlanta, suffered a catastrophe in Soldino (formerly Germany) around 1933. On July 17 at 0.36 – Three watches that were broken during the disaster showed this time.The pilots, having landed 6 411 km (the second result at that time in the history of world aviation based the length of the road), arrived in Lithuania on October 19 in oak horns.After several days of farewell to the heroes of the Lithuanians in late July, both coffins were brought to the Court Institute and of Social Medicine (in the Soviet times, it became the Institute of Medicine of K aunas)

Garne's garlic was longer, although the lake was 170 cm longer than S. Darius (181 cm), and both sides were closed by solid metal handles. Earlier in the morning, these hot dogs were discovered to determine the cause of death of the heroes, to expire their bodies, "recalls J. Chep.

Secret Operation

Some Prof. J Zilinskas embalmed the bodies of the pilots, they were placed in a new heat of copper and placed in the vault of the Faculty of Medicine of the University Vytautas Magnus (Vytautas Magnus University), because the Mausoleum had not was still erected in the cemetery of the Old City.The mausoleum was moved to 1937. On 1 November 1965

After occupying Lithuania in the Soviet Union, it became apparent that due to the absence mummies appropriate under the conditions of the mausoleum, the coal was to be returned to the Chapel of the Faculty of Medicine of the VMU.This was done in 1940 Tomas Zauka, chairman of the committee of the Lithuanian flying club Darius and Gironas, decided to hide the r the pilots because it was uncertain that the Russian and German armies would not defeat the corps of the pilots

before the second Soviet occupation and the Kaunas Germans, Lukas Tomas Zauka, president of the Lithuanian Aeroclub Darius and Girėnas, decided to hide the remains of the pilots because it was not certain that the Russian and German troops would defeat the flying bodies for the second Soviet occupation and the Kaunas Germans. The group was supported by a group of members of the Faculty of Medicine of the VMU with prof. Benedict at the tip of Šiauliai. 1944 On March 18, hidden secretly from the German soldier's door at the faculty door, copper coffins with embalmed flying bodies were buried in the basement of the Faculty of Medicine, in front of the cage of the 39; lift. The haters swore allegiance to anyone, even the parents of the pilots, for not consenting. Therefore, recoilers in this niche extend into powerful hot dogs for 20 years.

How was it found?

What kind of 1962 did the event paved N.Dariūtė to search for the remains of legendary pilots? It turns out that this year Vytautas Mačiika, a student of the Art Institute of Vilnius, whose father was flying with S. Darius, reported to Nijole to mark the tombstone of S. Darius and S. Girenas (now he is in the cemetery of the High Saints warriors). This is precisely what prompted S. Darius' daughter to look for the remains of her father and companion. Since she did not know where they were buried at the Kaunas Medical Institute (BMI), in 1963, October 6 used to search for the BMI document. Juozas Raubas whose father participated in the restoration of the remains of S.Darius and S. Girenas.

This place was near the crematorium. In his memoirs, N.Dariūtė wrote: "J. and Rauba, looking at the candle, carefully examining all the walls, we began to caress all the walls around the boiler room as medical specialists and knowing the knitting method, near the elevator, in front of the elevator.The wall was completely flat, dyed and no different from the adjacent walls, at its peak, in the palm, was a hole in a normal-sized vent.Riding on the chair, which was brought by J. Rauba from his mother's room, through the ventilation openings I put a pencil with a long wire attached to the end and tied with a small wig, the beams fell and there was a noise that hit the metal, we realized that there were hidden hoods. "

V.Mačiuikos Contribution

According to J.Čepas, having had the pleasure of finding the remains of the pilots, N.Dariūtė-Maštarienė a reported the same day V.Matičiukas, who brought the tools, a lamp, a camera and the only surviving witness of the evacuation of flying bodies to the work of Vilnius the next day, came to him the next day [19659003] The latter confirmed that there were concrete cofferds with pilots behind the walls of Nijolė. V.Mačiika, after photographing J.Štrupkai, who appeared in the niches, came out of the ventilation grids and took pictures of hot dogs through the ventilation hole. Later, V.Mačiika wrote a report on the discovery of the remains, all signed and signed.

"In 1971, N.Dariūtė-Maštarienė went to the United States to collect information about his father and his companion, showed documentary chronicles filmed in 1932-1933 – they saw him live, smile , walking and talking to his father for the first time in his life.After watching the movie, Nijolė could not say a word and V.Peseckas gave him a copy of the film J.Čepas

Stole buried

N.Dariūtė asks the secretary of the Communist Party of Lithuania of the time, J.Mikalauskas, to allow the demolition of the border and the burial of his father with his companion, but does not receive After six months, Darius' daughter turned to the first secretary of the Lithuanian Communist Party Antanas Sniečkai, and in 1964, August 10 The masonry wall, 20 years of hiding the remains of the pilots, was destroyed. [19659003] Unfortunately, it was not possible to embalm the h ros again, as in 1946, the Nemunas waters flooded the room where the flying bodies were hidden. The upper karst, in which the remains of S. Girėnas, arose during the flood and descended by crushing the lower corrosive karstic glbad through which the water flowed on the body of S. Darius, so its remains were strongly twisted.

The remains of the two pilots exorcised in new charcoal and in 1964 August 12 hastily, secretly from the public, buried in the High Saints warrior's cemetery.

The works of Nijolė

Few knew that N.Dariūtė in 1973 began to paint. During a short period of his life, there were about 150 paintings on various subjects, but most of them are portraits of historical personalities. Of course, she painted portraits of her father and S. Girenas. Nijolė s is striving to look at these images of people in their good, loving-loving eyes. That's nice, she wrote that she managed to hunt the heroes of our nation of non-existence and place them in gold frames.

Nijolė's painting was not limited to. 1987 wrote the book Darius and Girėnas – one of the first comprehensive monographs dedicated to S. Darius and S. Girėnas. The value of the book was increased by S. Darius Diary, written in 1932-1933. By the way, the girl has cracked pages of almost unreadable blog pages.

Darius and Girėnas, a photo album prepared by N.Dariūtė-Maštarienė, has also been published. It is probably the first album of such an important volume (306 photographs) dedicated to the commemoration of the Transatlantic Flyers S.Darius and S.Girenas. Co-authors Algirdas Gamziukas and Gyčiu Ramoška have prepared a report on S. Darius and S. Girėnas. These are only the most significant works of N.Dariūtė-Maštarienė, which she continued to make during her relatively short life – died in Kaunas in 1990. October 22nd Buried in the Jacob Cemetery of Kretinga District [19659026]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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