Why were there no more kings after Mindaugas?


Rimvydas Petrauskas | ldkistorija.lt,


2018 7 July 00:00

At 1429-1430, at the end of his life, he tried to make the Grand Duchess of Lithuania Vytautas. In 1526, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Pontifical Council, created a new plan for the establishment of a separate kingdom in Lithuania, crowning with the coronation Sigismund Augustus, the eldest son of the late Sigismund. Lithuania was the last kingdom of the Middle Ages In the Latin world of the Western world, the institutional conception of the Christian kingdom and the Christian kingdom was established in the Middle Ages, the exaltation of the king badociated with the papacy (sometimes imperial ) arch.) the anointing of the bishop accompanied by a ceremony. It was the order of the year 754, when Pope Stephen II was crowned by Phineas the Queen Pipin the Younger at Pontian Abbey in 2.

/ Despite several attempts Lithuania was the last European kingdom founded in the Middle Ages. This order to establish and crown the kingdoms has spread throughout Europe, from the Pyrenees to Scandinavia and to central and southern Europe. In the first half of the 13th century, the last intensive phase of development of this tradition took place, in the years 1204-1253. the ruler of Pyongyang II, the Bulgarian Caloyan, the Serbian Stephen and the Lithuanian Mindaugas in Aragon, Spain, crowned one after the other by the grace of the pope, and became the last anointed king (the Duke simultaneous Galician-Volunia, Danielius Romanovicius the exaltation remained unfinished). Despite several attempts, other kingdoms were not established in Europe in the Middle Ages

The rise of the Kingdom of Mindaugas: favorable political currents and wise diplomacy

The question of the rank of the Kingdom has been resolved internationally. In the case of Mindaugas, political affairs have favored the emergence of new kingdoms. At the beginning of the 13th century, we observe the new and recent wave of the foundation of the Christian kingdoms

After the death of the Germanic Roman Emperor Frederick II (1250), Pope Innocent IV activated political action to reinforce the long-standing conflict with the emperor. The envoy of Mindaugas, Parbus, accompanied by the mediators of the Order of Livonia, Inocent IV, discovered in Milan the Pope making solemnly to Rome. The blessing of the new kingdoms in the Christian world was a long tradition of the Holy See. In parallel, the pope negotiated with the neighbor and political rival Mindaugas, the Orthodox Grand Duchess Danieli Romanovich, following the quarrel.

The mediation of Master of the Livonian Order Andrew Stilland and the effective diplomacy of Mindaugas led to the rapid progress of events. 1253 6 July 2006, but also to ensure the continuity of the Royal Government.

In 1255, Pope Alexander IV made it possible to crown a successor to their son, the throne. However, in the absence of continuity, the name of the kingdom and the royal title could have been lost. The murder of Mindaugas and his legitimate descendants was perceived by the Pope and other leaders of Christianity as the end of the "Christian kingdom."

It was true that it was possible to restore it, as it had been until the Roman Empire. Thus, Pope Clement IV, in 1268, fired Przemysl Otokar II, King of the Czech Republic, "to erect the throne of the kingdom [Lietuvoje]", as "in the management of the memory of Mindaugas"


The main motive of the crown was a question of exceptional rank. The coronation ceremony distinguished the person from the Crown from others who could claim political power. The coronation and the coronation are emphasized in the privilege of the merchants of Riga: "We sacrificed ourselves with sacred oil, we raised the king of Lithuania and laid the crown of the king."

Mindaugas s & # 39, spiritually embodies another spiritual and political reality. In this sense, the process of formation of the Lithuanian nation and the Lithuanian state recalls the ethnogenesis of other European countries and the development of a political organization in which the structure of the Church Christianity and its organizational model belong to the ancient tradition

. there were stronger political foundations. We find this universal tension in the 13th century. In the center of Lithuania

Mindaugas, with the help of his troops, began the expansion of the inherited domain, which has spread in the present southern Lithuania. However, his government faced a serious problem of legitimacy. 1251 The Catholic Baptism of Mindaugas and its environment solved the dilemma of the political problem of the Lithuanian leader. On November 11, 1251 in Pope Innocent IV, "the Kingdom of Lithuania and all lands that you have already treated with the divine calligraphy of the hands of non-believers, or we will cast them in the future, we accept the law and the property of St. Peter. England, Hungary, Poland, the Order of Germans. The danger has been lost in the future as part of the Ordin or another political system of the state.

The king was killed, but the idea of ​​a state was alive

1253. July 6 According to the medieval ceremony, the bishop of Kulm, Henry, crowned Mindaugas and his wife, Death, with the crowns of the king.

The new royal power allowed Mindaugas to establish a sovereign position in the family of Christian kings of Europe. Therefore, baptism and coronation greatly influenced the process of establishing the state of Lithuania

The Kingdom remained a temporary episode in the history of Lithuania: Mindaugas and his immediate descendants , who could claim the crown inheritance, were murdered. However, despite the subsequent political shocks and the region's loss to paganism, the monarchy remained the main form of government, although the status of the internationally recognized kingdom was no longer attained

Literature: E. Gudavičius, Mindaugas , Vilnius, 1999. [function] (19659027) f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {si (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n, arguments): n. queue.push (argument)}; if (! f._fbq) f._fbq = n; n.push = n; n.loaded =! 0; n.version = 2.0 & # 39 ;; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement (e); t.async =! 0; t.defer =! 0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName (e) [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (t, s)} (window, document, script, // connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js');fbq(& # 39; 1975940212658042 & # 39;); fbq ("track", "Pageview"); [ad_2]
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