Many talk about double masking as new variants of coronavirus emerge | Lehigh Valley Regional News


With the emergence of COVID-19 variants across the country, mixed with a slow rollout of vaccines, health experts say masking is more important than ever.

“The most important thing is that everyone should wear a mask,” said Dr Anthony Fauci, director of NIAID.

And not just one but two, according to some experts. Members of President Biden’s cabinet agree.

“It makes sense that this is probably more effective,” Fauci said.

The CDC does not explicitly recommend double-masking or say the same for an N-95, although the CDC and the World Health Organization recommend multi-layered fabric masks.

“I am not a doctor. I don’t mean to tell someone who has difficulty breathing that because they are at high risk for lung disease, they need to mask themselves. These are decisions that need to be based on the ability to breathe, ”said Allentown Health Unit Director Vicky Kistler.

The Allentown Health Unit is sticking to current CDC guidelines until it says otherwise. Kistler says it’s hard enough trying to get people to wear a mask, let alone double it.

“What we’re telling people is if you have a two-ply fabric mask with a good seal, you have to be protected,” Kistler said.

If you are one of the lucky few who have been vaccinated, you are not left out. Experts say that until the community is vaccinated and the spread of the community is minimized, you should still wear one or two, if you wish.


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