A mother on a flight to San Francisco distributed 200 earplugs to passengers in case her baby would make noise. (Photo: Getty Images)

A mother from Seoul, South Korea, to San Francisco reportedly distributed 200 earplugs, Korean sweets and a preemptive apology note if her 4-month-old baby was crying.

"Today, I am going to the United States with my mother and my grandmother to see my aunt," it said in the note. "I'm a bit nervous and scary because it's my first flight of my life, which means I can cry or make too much noise, I'll try to leave quietly, although I can not make no promise … please excuse me. "

So sweet. So useless.

Though thoughtful, neither this mother nor any of the parents should have to apologize for a baby who is a baby. Babies cry, people!

Dave Corona, a Facebook user who is a cameraman for KGO-TV in San Francisco, said that during the 10-hour flight, "we did not see the kid outside."

More: Mom to the man annoyed by an infant on the flight: "The problem was not with us, but with you"

The sweet gesture must have taken a lot of time for this mother to organize for so many people.

Hope this does not understand. Although this has happened before, especially when the parents of twins handed out candies and earplugs on a 2016 flight to Florida.

More: Sorry, airline passengers, I will not give good gifts to excuse me for my child.

Many people on the Facebook post have praised the action, a commentator said: "What a great mother to think of other passengers."

All right, she looks like a good mom. The action was beautiful, but one should never have made her believe that she had to "excuse" herself or her baby.

As one Facebook user said, "It was a nice gesture, but I think people need to be more understanding about thefts and not to make parents and their children feel so badly welcomed. "On flights, we were all babies at some point in life.

Exactly true!

Know this: Most parents do what they can to minimize the discomfort and disruption of children during a flight. They nurse or bottle during takeoffs and landings to prevent their ears from getting hurt. For older children, they prepare snacks, create new toys and broadcast their favorite movies.

Many parents live in the deadly fear of flying with children because of sly looks and derogatory comments.

Nevertheless, children become dynamic and have difficulty modulating their voices. Because, well, children.

This is not to say that parents should calm their eyes, swollen adults with candy and ear plugs. Adults can bring theirs.

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Read or share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/allthemoms/2019/02/27/mom-flying-baby-gives-earplugs-passengers-but-hold-apologies-parents/3005919002/