My cancer is linked to my husband's



Desperate housewives Star Marcia Cross has been diagnosed with anal cancer – and she says it is related to the throat cancer her husband was diagnosed in 2009. Doctors believe that both cancers are of the same type of human papillomavirus, or HPV who can be contracted during a sexual relationship. Cross, 57, spoke about her diagnosis, which she received a year and a half ago, the CBS this morning destigmatize anal cancer. "I know there are people who are ashamed," she said. "You have cancer, if you were ashamed of having done something wrong because your anus was installed in your anus?"

The Cross and her husband, actor Tom Mahoney, are now in remission, reports CNN. And Cross says she wants to make sure their daughters, 12-year-old twins, never get HPV. "My daughters do not know it, but they are ready for their first test at the end of the school year," she says. Early immunization can prevent the types of viruses that most commonly cause cancer. HPV can also cause cancer of the cervix and genitals, and it can also spread through skin contact. Cross says she'll never take her health for granted: "I'm the girl who goes to the bathroom now and I say," Yes! It's great what my body can do! "I am so grateful." (An HPV-powered cancer could have killed ancient Egyptians.)


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