Mystery revealed !!! KM Sinar Bangun Jumbo Vs Fish Mas || Viral


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the ship sank
carp was killed
carp in the kitchen
Lake Toba
North Sumatra
14 KG
the sea
go home
go home 2018
the last
June 25, 2018
go home
guardian of Lake Toba
Video Detik-second storm Dahsyat Lake Toba A day after the giant fish fish 14 kg stopped

SERAMBINEWS.COM – The tragedy of the Sinar Bangun Motorbike Sailing (KM), Monday 18/18/2018, around 17:15, which killed hundreds of passengers, raises unanswered questions and mysteries.

Until Wednesday (20/06/2018) the number of bodies found only four. Although the SAR team has lowered the Marines elite team and advanced equipment.

Until Wednesday afternoon, the number of missing victims in KM Sinar Bangun's countermeasures reached 194 people.

Even the location of the ship was not found. Earlier, the SAR estimated the victim's body trapped in a shipwreck.
A young batak bodybuilder, Rismon Raja Mangatur Sull, thinks that the huge storm and sinking of the Sinar Bangun Motor Vessel are linked to the massive carp fishing by communities around Lake Toba a day earlier.

The writing of Sirait on the giant carp hook and the boat crash on his Facebook account has been viral and distributed thousands of times since its publication Wednesday (20/6/2018) afternoon.

According to Sirait, on Sunday (17/06/2018) around 16:30, an angler at Tao Silalahi, Paropo Village, Silahi Sabungan Sub-District, Dairi District, obtained a 14 kg goldfish.

The result of this incentive is quite horrible for the people around because of its extraordinary size.



24 thoughts on “Mystery revealed !!! KM Sinar Bangun Jumbo Vs Fish Mas || Viral”

  1. Saya mudik kelampung naik kapal jarak tempuh kurang lebih merak-bangkahuni sekitar 2 jam ingat 2 jam itu kita pertaruhkan nyawa…maaf buat petugas bukannya saya sok tau…tapi saya masrkt menentukan keselamatan.saran saya seharusnya masyarakat setiap beli 1tiket seharunya langsung di kasih 1jket pelampung..intinya 1tiket 1 jaket pelampung itu harus langsung di pake…karena demi keselamatan.. jangan sampai terjadi ketika kita nyebrang ga di kasih jaket pelampung karena kesediaan sudah di dalam kapal terus terjadi kapal oleng pasti saya yakin pada berebut jaket pelampung… Di situlah titik kelemahan…kita.!! semoga bermanfaat bagi yang baca ..

  2. Saya pernah bikin perahu mainan kecil..saya coba di air posisi seimbang semua.. dan saya coba saya beri muatan di bagian paling atas lumayan banyak perbandingan sih agak banyak muatan yang tengah…..terus saya buat ombak kecil lama lama lama lama emang iya bener oleng…..kalo ga percaya coba aja kalian bikin……intinya sedia payung sebelum hujan…

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