NASA and ESA release spectacular updated Hubble image of Veil Nebula (PHOTO) – RT World News


Using new techniques, scientists have released a breathtaking updated image of the Veil Nebula, the beautiful remains of a supernova that took place 10,000 years ago.

The rest of the supernova is called the Cygnus Loop and is the result of the death of a star 20 times the mass of the Sun, which exploded about 2,100 light years away. The star’s hollowed-out remains span 110 light years, having been shaped by an incredibly powerful stellar wind that blew before the star became a supernova.

The wind dispersed the star’s initial gas emissions before the resulting explosion ignited them like veins of neon extending along the cavity walls of a gigantic filament of “star substance.” “.

The operators of the Hubble Space Telescope released the spectacular image in 2015, which was taken with the Wide Field Camera 3 instrument.

Recently, researchers have reprocessed the original data using new techniques to produce an even more dramatic image showcasing the heavenly interpretation of the phrase, “With a bang.”

While the image is a real feast for the eyes, it shows just how sophisticated the technical processing of data from humanity’s distant probes has become, offering new insights into the interstellar processes that create the vast structures across the globe. ‘universe.

In the image, different gases are rendered in different hues: blue for twice ionized oxygen, red for ionized hydrogen and nitrogen.

The green gases were not disturbed by the shock wave from the supernova and therefore appear more diffuse as they were allowed to settle.

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By comparing Hubble’s 2015 images with its previous photos of the 1997 nebula, scientists determine that it is growing at a speed of 1.5 million kilometers (932,000 miles) per hour, or 117 times the diameter of the Earth.

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