Nearly 200,000 "never seen before" viruses, some of which are dangerous to humans, have been discovered in the ocean


Viruses never seen before have been discovered hidden deep in the ocean.

Nearly 200,000 infectious pathogens were discovered during a global marine life expedition that lasted more than 10 years.

    Scientists have discovered 195 728 roaming the oceans around the world


Scientists have discovered 195 728 roaming the oceans around the world

Most viruses are harmless to humans but can infect marine life, such as whales and crustaceans.

Scientists have said that the discovery of all these viruses is important because they can tell us more about life on the planet and the consequences of climate change.

The viruses could help researchers calculate the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the Earth 's atmosphere because marine organisms help to recycle oxygen.

As oceans are known to absorb and store a lot of CO2, life at sea is needed to turn this compound into other forms because too much CO2 could acidify the oceans and kill marine life.

    The researchers made this map showing where in the world they found the viruses and at what depth, the maximum depth being 4,000 meters deep.

Gregory et al./ Elsevier

The researchers made this map showing where in the world they found the viruses and at what depth, the maximum depth being 4,000 meters deep.
    Scientists collected samples from a boat called Tara

A. Deniaud / Tara Ocean Foundation

Scientists collected samples from a boat called Tara

Therefore, this large number of viruses could actually be a positive element in terms of climate change.

A large number of viruses have been found in the ocean, which surprised the researchers, believing that the hostile climate would not favor life.

The researchers created a distribution map of the viruses found in the oceans around the world and divided them into five zones, which could be useful for future researchers.

They collected samples at depths of up to 4,000 meters.

    Many viruses have been found in the Arctic Ocean


Many viruses have been found in the Arctic Ocean
    This is the boat that was used in the expedition, photographed here in the Arctic in 2013

A. Deniaud Garcia / Tara Ocean Foundation

This is the boat that was used in the expedition, photographed here in the Arctic in 2013

Microbiologist Matthew Sullivan took part in the research and explained: "Having a new map showing the location of these viruses can help us understand this" pump "of oceanic carbon and, more broadly, the biogeochemistry that impacts the ocean. planet.

"Previous ocean ecosystem models had generally ignored microbes, and rarely included viruses, but we now know that they are an essential element to include."

Prior to this study, only about 15,000 oceanic viruses had been confirmed.

The research was published in the scientific journal Cell.

According to another global economic study on the cost of climate change in the Arctic, melting sea ice and permafrost could cost the world 54 billion pounds.

Another recent study on permafrost has shown that diseases that were sleeping in old ice may soon become rampant due to climate change.

And, scientists have warned that two thirds of the ice in the Alps will melt by 2100.

Are you surprised by the number of viruses discovered? Let us know in the comments …

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