& # 39; Alien & # 39; Atacama Mummy results of genetic study raise serious concerns


An international team of researchers questioned the results of a study that claimed that a weird skeleton found in the Atacama Desert was a human girl with severe genetic mutations.

In 2003, the tiny humanoid skeleton of long inches and features a very elongated head and face – was found in a deserted Chilean mining town.

The characteristics of the Atacama mummy, or Ata, were so unusual that speculation abounded as to whether the skeleton was extraterrestrial in origin. But in 2013, a team from Stanford University announced research findings suggesting that Ata was, in fact, human

. However, many questions about the deformities remained, and scientists conducted a follow-up genetic analysis, which was published in the journal Genome Research earlier this year.

The paper concluded that Ata was a female of Chilean origin and was a developing fetus at the time of her death – which could have occurred before or immediately after pregnancy. In addition, the researchers provided evidence suggesting that Ata was suffering from several genetic mutations that were responsible for her bizarre characteristics.

However, in a study published July 18 in International Journal of Paleopathology, an international team of experts questioned the methods and conclusions of earlier research

The authors of new article have found no evidence of "skeletal abnormalities" that the Genome study suggested are responsible for the mummy. odd traits, indicating that many of his findings were based on a poor understanding of fetal development.

In the study Paleopathology the authors argued that the fetus appeared normal for his age. 15 weeks – despite his strange appearance.

As for the "elongated skull", this could be explained, they say, by geological and birth processes that have

"It is common for a process called plastic deformation to change the shape of the remains cranials that have been buried in the ground, where heat and pressure can slowly affect their shape, "wrote the authors

. "In addition, a fetus of this age does not have the same cranial proportions of a fetus at term," they said. "In addition, during childbirth, the relationships between the cranial bones can be altered from the compression of the bones in the cervix in a process called molding.This molding can reduce the diameter of the skull , resulting in an elongated appearance, this has been shown to be more severe in premature fetuses. "

In addition, the authors of the last article stated that previous research also raised a number of ethical concerns, including as much as the mummy would be a few decades old The context in which they were discovered is not clear.

They argued that Stanford scientists have not followed proper protocols for studying human remains, which are protected by law in Chile, as in many countries. In addition, the DNA extraction techniques used caused damage to the body of Ata.

"Unfortunately, there was no scientific reason to undertake genomic analyzes of Ata because the skeleton is normal," the authors write in the new study. "Long and expensive scientific tests using whole genome techniques were useless and unethical."

"We warn DNA researchers that they should be involved in cases that lack context and legality. Genome studies the Council in March Chilean national monuments who also criticized Stanford scientists, claiming that the mummy, currently owned by a private collector in Spain, may have been illegally exhumed and smuggled.In their opinion, the research should never have been

In response to this controversy, the editors and editors of Genome Research issued a statement defending their paper.

"The manuscript has undergone rigorous review by evolutionary genetics experts and paleogenomics and the publishers of Genome Research stand behind the process of reviewing and publishing this article, "they said in the statement [19659004]. usually cover the study of specimens of uncertain biological origin, such as the skeleton of Atacama, "they said. "The Atacama skeleton DNA sample was not considered to be a research on human subjects as defined by the Federal Office for the Protection of Human Research. Thus, neither the specific approvals nor the exemptions were necessary for the study reported in the document. "

Nevertheless, the drafters said that they took seriously the concerns that were raised and will seek to revise the journal's policies on historical and historical studies. DNA samples.

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