& # 39; Nazi Scum! & # 39; – Anti-Trump and pro-Trump protesters clash in the streets of London | 1 NEWS


While thousands of protesters in London were marching against Donald Trump's first visit to the UK as US President, a small group of far-right supporters came out of a pub and quarreled. with the police and the protesters. Animated exchanges, where at least three people have been arrested so far.
Source: Associated Press

Some far-right supporters have been joined by Trump supporters.

-Trump supporters, with at least three people arrested while minor clashes erupted.

Police eventually escorted supporters of the far right and Trump away from the anti-Trump rally, allowing them to gather at the Red Lion pub near the British Parliament.

Throughout the day, anti-Trump protesters in London were seen chanting slogans to express their disapproval of the visit, blowing horns and waving banners


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