Mike Russell: The Brexit plan 'has little to do to protect Scotland & # 39;


  Mike Russell

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M. Russell said the plan could be a "step forward" towards further membership of the EU's single market and the customs union

Theresa May's plan for future relations with the EU does not go far enough to protect Scotland from "Brexit damage," warns Mike Russell.

The proposals were accepted after a marathon meeting on Friday at Checkers. 19659005] The Secretary of Constitutional Relations of Scotland said that they were "a step in the right direction".

He also suggested that if most Scots still voted to stay in the EU, this could be "the recognition that Scotland wanted to be independent". 19659005] After a 12-hour meeting, the British cabinet approved a document setting out the UK's vision for its future trade agreements with the EU after its departure in March 2019.

According to the proposals, which must still to be presented to the EU, would be a free trade area for industrial and agricultural products, based on a "common regulation" and a "combined customs territory".

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The latest proposals have been accepted after a marathon meeting at Ch Equers on Friday

Several Conservative MPs have expressed concern over the plans and British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson has reportedly strongly criticized the proposals at the Cabinet meeting in Checkers before signing.

Speaking on the BBC's Sunday Politics Scotland program, Russell asked if the proposals would be acceptable to other EU member states and to the uncompromising Brexiters within the Conservative Party.

Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted "

Saturday, she had declared that the British government's agreement could be a children's game for those who were in favor of a result of single market / customs union.

describes the plans as a "step towards" the pursuit of membership of the EU's single market and customs union – the Scottish government's favorite position.

However, he said that the two issues with the current agreement were "will they be accepted" by the EU and the "great murmur" on the proposals of "extreme Brexiters" in the Party conservative and others.

He said, "We may be traveling, but it may not be a trip. able to taki The Secretary for Constitutional Relations continued: "Without staying in the EU, there will be damage, but in reality the single market and the customs union – the single market and the union Customs, the option of Norway –

"Without freedom of movement, true freedom of movement, there are whole swathes of the Scottish economy that will suffer very badly."

"This is not the end point, I am quite sure that this is not the end point. If this is part of a trip, then it must be commended, but there is still much to be done before Scotland is really protected from the damage caused by Brexit. "

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Sweeney and Conservative MP Andrew Bowie also gave their reaction to Checkers' agreement

Speaking on the same program, Scottish Conservative MP Andrew Bowie said that he had seen a three-page summary of what had been agreed at Checkers, but was waiting for the publication of the complete white paper later this week

"I believe that it offers a Brexit that is not only good for business, good for the job and good for the economy, but certainly good for Scotland. "

Paul Sweeney, the Scottish Labor MP, said that the agreement reached by the British cabinet "is far from what the six tests of Labor have been throughout this process."

He added, "We believe in a complete customs union."

He said that he thought it was "designed to make a truce in the cabinet" and "will not meet the test of parliament or the test of the EU negotiators".

million. Russell was also questioned about the SNP's stance on holding a second referendum on membership. He said: "We believe that there should be a chance for Scots to say what is wrong. They think of Brexit's position, but that can not be a repeat of two years ago … Scotland votes one "

Interviewed by presenter Gordon Brewer on what would happen if the majority of Scots voted again to stay in the EU and the rest of the UK voted to leave, Russell said: This must be done before the vote.

"In these circumstances, is clear that this would be a recognition that Scotland wanted to be independent, what it would not do, is to confirm the status quo, because there is no status quo, it's over, it's over. "

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