New Zealand scientists plan to use DNA to change the appearance and nutrition of fruits | 1 NEWS


New Zealand scientists say that they can use the DNA of a plant to change the appearance, texture and texture of its fruit.

  Sue Chetwin, the patron of New Zealand, supports a bill

. 19659004] Currently, products like potatoes and apples carry the majority of their nutritional value in their skin, but by changing a family of proteins called MYB, naturally transported in the plant, the products could have the same concentration of vitamins at each bite. [19659005Celainclutheirapproachoftheestheticallyapproachable-inwardandoutward

In an article published in the journal Trends in Plant Science two New Zealand researchers discuss possibilities

. the authors, Andrew Allan, of the University of Auckland, New Zealand's Plant and Food Research Institute, said that the type of breeding n & # 39; 39; was not classified as genetically modified, as this would require that the "The red line with most of the public seems to have a foreign DNA in the plant, that is what bothers most people and in these new techniques and in traditional breeding, we do not introduce foreign DNA, Mr. Allan said that the technology was already there, that it was just a matter of change of perception

Right now, we could be at 10 years of a product, but we are definitely doing things right now in our greenhouses, "he said.

" We just need to start a conversation about these things and why they are "

Mr. Allan stated that the horticultural sector in New Zealand was doing well, but that To continue to do well, he had to be the best.

do not want our competitors to cultivate better cultivars, we want to be first, "he said.

H He said that it took a while to grow crops, which meant it was now the right time to start the discussion on these new farming techniques.

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