According to the proposal, children's names would not be registered to protect privacy. (iStockPhoto / kzenon)
The height and weight of children would be measured every two years unless parents opted for an ambitious proposal to Fighting the obesity epidemic in Australia. The Global Obesity Center (GLOBE) of Deakin University at a Senate committee examining the issue, argues that the data could map the childhood obesity in Australia to better target the problem.
The prevalence of overweight and obesity among Australian youth According to the Australian Health Survey, the rate of obesity was probably higher from 5 to 17 in 2014/15 [19659008] but Steven Allender of GLOBE felt that the rate of obesity was probably higher. Allender said, "We have millions of children who are suffering from something that will affect the rest of their lives and we have no real understanding of the magnitude of this problem."
"T The second point is that there will be areas, groups, communities in Australia that are really doing very well and that their children's health is good and better, and we do not do not know where they are, so we can not understand why this is "
The proposal would likely create discomfort among parents, with an advocacy group saying that measuring and weighing children could have an impact about their mental health.
"As a parent, I look forward to knowing how children will be weighed and measured," said Alys Gagnon, executive director of The Parenthood .
"I would be impatient to know if this was done in a healthy and positive way."
Professor Allender acknowledged these concerns but said that steps would be taken to reduce any negative impact on children. the child holds his hands on his belly "title =" Overweight child generic "width =" 700 "height =" 467 "/>
More than a quarter of Australian children of school age are overweight or obese. He said that elementary schools would be "the logical place" to take action, but trained clinicians instead of teachers would take action and children would not see the results to avoid comparisons [] . 19659007] The names would not be registered to ensure that there is no invasion of privacy.
Professor Allender stated that an opt-out approach, rather than an opt-in, was necessary to ensure high rates of participation. Professor Allender stated that his submission was based on a model that operated in the United Kingdom and many others in the United States
"We create environments for our children where it is increasingly difficult to be active," said Professor Allender
. living in a tha environment The Federal Minister of Health, Greg Hunt, said in a statement that he would submit GLOBE's proposal to the Australian Advisory Council of Health Ministers.
"The primary responsibility for the health of children rests with parents and children. "The importance of exercise and good nutrition for children can not be underestimated by giving them a platform for the life of their entire lives."
The Special Committee on The obesity epidemic hold public hearings in Sydney and Melbourne in August.
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