Cases of "abnormally low" flu | Otago Daily Times News Online


Health scientists are closely monitoring influenza cases pending the arrival of the annual peak of the disease.

In the middle of winter, July is traditionally the year in which influenza infections reach their highest level

. The number of reported cases of influenza is very low.

Public health agencies have organized major promotions to publicize the influenza vaccine this year, following an influenza season in the northern hemisphere where rates were moderate to high. The number of influenza cases to date in New Zealand was "unusually low," according to the latest surveillance report from the ESR flu

. Only Auckland and Waitemata had high rates of influenza – all others, including Southern, continued to report low rates.

However, these rates had shown a small increase, and Lisa Oakley, Strategic Head of ESR Health Intelligence, said that infection rates "Although the numbers we see are still low compared to previous years, our surveillance tells us that they could soon start to increase, "said Dr. Oakley.

New Zealand is not the only one to have a low rate of influenza – most countries in the southern hemisphere, with the exception of South Africa, have very low influenza rates. reported lower numbers than normal cases of the disease.

Low rates should not deter people from getting a flu shot, which was the best protection against catching the disease, said Dr. Oakley. [ad_2]
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