A family receives a $ 18,000 hospital bill after their son was treated with a bottle of formula and a nap


During a trip to the United States, a family of South Korean tourists received a hospital bill of more than $ 18,000 after taking their son to the hospital for a visit fast and without incident.

Jang Yeo His son Park Jeong Whan, then 8 months old, hit his head after falling out of bed in their hotel room, reported Kaiser Health News.

Although the child was not bleeding, he was very upset by the injury. her husband decided to call an ambulance to take her to Zuckerberg General Hospital San Francisco, where the doctors quickly determined that the child had not been seriously injured in the fall.

Before being released after only three hours and 22 minutes. had some bruises on her face – took a short nap and drank an infant formula.

However, when the family received their bill two years later, they found that they were charged $ 18,836. Most of the cost was covered by $ 15,666 for "trauma", the amount charged by the trauma center for the activation of a group of health professionals to help treat the injuries. potentially fatal injuries to emergencies.

It's a huge amount of money for my family, "the mother told KHN." If my baby receives special treatment, OK. It would be good. But he did not do it. So why should I pay the bill? They did not do anything for my son. "

<p class =" canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" RELATED: A mother speaks after a child suffers brain damage when falling off his bed: "It's not the same" "data-reactid =" 28 "> A spokesman for the San Francisco hospital where the child was treated, defended the charge of $ 15,666 to KHN, explaining that even if the child does not need an emergency trauma treatment, the cost of trauma is very high.

"We are the trauma center of a very large, very densely populated area.We are facing so much trauma in this city – car accidents, mass shootings, multiple vehicle collisions, "said Andrew at the dump. Is expensive to prepare for that. "

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Trauma costs vary widely across the United States, according to Medliminal, a company specializing in the identification of medical billing errors. While in a Missouri hospital, the fees can reach $ 1,112, in California it could cost you $ 50,659

Costs began to appear on hospital bills after being approved by the Committee National Uniform Billing in January 2002. KHN reported that […]

However, according to Connie Potter – a consulting firm leader who has pleaded for the approval of trauma fees – the trauma center is supposed to help to provide quality trauma care. charge at a lower rate if the patient does not need at least 30 minutes of critical care.

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Although Jang told her that she was greeted by nine or ten hospital, Teresa Brown of Medliminal, who reviewed the case, said that according to the medical records of the As a child, there was no mention of a trauma team being present.

"I love the US There is a lot to see when we travel," Jang told KHN. "But the American health care system was very bad."

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