A woman who attacked two people with an ax in Sydney's convenience store says voices told her to "kill and maim" | 1 NEWS


A transgender woman who attacked two people with an ax in a Sydney 7-Eleven store says that a voice told her to "kill and maim" and "start the ascent of the 39, hell on earth ", a jury heard. Evie Amati pleaded not guilty in court after the attack of 2017.
Evie Amati, 26, pleaded not guilty to intentionally wounding two shopkeepers and murdered a shopkeeper. to have tried to hurt a pedestrian with the intention of murder. Enmore, in the center-west of the city, in the early hours of January 7, 2017.

CCTV footage of the assault, showing Amati swinging an ax with both hands and the gushing blood of the l 39; One of her victims, was played at 12- The District Court today, Amati was questioned by her lawyer, Charles Waterstreet, about her memory of the events of that night, especially after she arrived at the house of a Tinder appointment with Mickila Jahnsen

. Court heard Amati had taken a pill, which she thought was ecstasy or MDMA, with Mrs. Jahnsen and others, but came out of a car in which they were traveling after thinking about that they had all secretly talked about his transsexuality.

Amati said that she was beginning to hear "inaudible whispers" while walking. the balcony to anesthetize, swaying and listening to his favorite song – Flatline from the American metal band Periphery.

"I just wanted someone to come and caress my head and tell me that everything would be fine" I really had only one more memory … that voice that made me feel better. had said to kill and maim, to inflict pain on people and to begin the ascent of hell on earth. "

" I remember everything was calm and that I felt that voice come in and I remember that smile, a smile that did not belong to me, a grim smile that stuck my face that I could not control and that I was leaving [ed]. Mr. Waterstreet says that the jury will have to consider Ms. Ama ti 's state of mind and intent, and whether a defense of mental illness can be made.

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