Additional Community aid for Warfarin patients Bay of Plenty


Lupe Poe suffered from rheumatic fever at the age of 12

The disease damaged one of her heart valves and she has been on warfarin since. She needs weekly blood tests to monitor her condition and now passes blood tests at her community pharmacy.

"I was going to Pathlab for my blood tests, the results were going first to my doctor and I was almost waiting Poe said," It was a much longer process, the results are instantaneous. "

Poe talks about his tests INR (International Normalized Ratio); Pharmacist Rowena Fu, of Unichem Mount Dispensary, said her pharmacy was one of the first in the region to offer the Community Pharmacy Anticoagulation Monitoring Service (CPAMS).

"Our patients with warfarin come in, we do a blood test and they get these results immediately," Fu said.

"These results also go directly to their doctor because it takes just a drop of blood, it is much better for patients who do not like needles or who have other problems to donate blood

"We manage the medicine and advise people what dose to take.For complex patients on a number of medications, we place these drugs in a clear plastic roll pre-sealed in the l & # 39; order they need to take them.It is very convenient and it is a free service we provide. "

Despite the available help, compliance may still be a problem, but a Once people understand their medications and their families better, they understand why we are taking these medications. "

Andrea Baker, Primary Care Portfolio Manager for the Bay of Plenty District Health Board (BOPDHB), said the service was t client centered

"It meets the health objectives of the BOPDHB, has easy access for the local community and cares for the local community. "

Patients also get a picture with a picture of the pills they have to take, what they are, and how often they should take them.They are especially useful for people receiving medications multiples.They receive a new chart each time there are drug changes.

The service is available in the following pharmacies:



Dispensary of Mount [1965914] 002] Bethlehem

Pharmacy of Faulkner

My Pharmacy Papamoa Plaza

Te Puke
Pharmacy of Life Te Puke

Pharmacy of Kawerau [19659002] Opotiki [19659022] Kerry Nott Pharmacy

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