Antidepressants May Reduce the Risk of Second Heart Attacks – Study


Taking antidepressants can significantly reduce the risk of a second heart attack.

A South Korean study published in JAMA found that patients with a heart attack were 20% less likely to have another one while they were taking escitalopram . commonly used to treat depression in New Zealand.

But Dr. Catherine Crofts, speaker at the AUT, says that not all medications have such positive side effects. She said that some antidepressants would have additional negative results, or that there would be a risk of negative consequences for cardiovascular disease.

"We can not explain why this antidepressant [escitalopram] was successful in reducing the risk of a subsequent cardiovascular event. It does not appear to be a "class effect" because, in another study, sertraline [a drug similar to escitalopram] has shown no benefit in reducing mortality. "

The study was conducted in a relatively small group of Korean disease." Therefore, Dr. Crofts says it's unclear whether these findings will apply to Europeans or to other people. Other ethnic groups or people with severe cardiovascular disease.

"Previous research did not show these benefits when different antidepressant drugs were used." "We know that relatively low doses of this drug were effective, which means that heart benefits are not necessarily related to the treatment of depression."

However, Dr. Crofts says depression may have effects Health Negative: Improving a number of health outcomes She said that there was another ongoing study using a citalopram, which is a very similar medicine to escitalopram

But in Overall, Dr. Crofts said more research is needed to "better understand what happened in this study."


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