Barnier questions British support position at Brexit


The EU's leading Brexit negotiator has raised serious questions about the British Customs proposal to avoid a tough border on the island of Ireland, highlighting one the biggest obstacles to an exit agreement.

Speaking after talks with his British counterpart in Brussels on Thursday, Michel Barnier stressed his concerns about the feasibility of the British plan to provisionally maintain the entire United Kingdom in the regulatory zone of the United States. EU for the goods. without compromising the integrity of the customs union, our common commercial policy, our regulatory policy and our tax revenues, "said Barnier

at a press conference with Dominic Raab, the British secretary at Brexit. insist on "energy" and determination on both sides to find a way to conduct talks that have stalled on the most difficult political issues.

Negotiators noted progress in talks on security and foreign policy cooperation after Brexit, Barnier said the talks had allowed the EU to "expand the opportunity to do together ".

million. Barnier and Raab also said that they agreed to work on a model of cooperation in the field of financial services that maintains "autonomy" for both parties. Mr Barnier said that this would allow the EU to have full freedom to decide whether to grant or withdraw "equivalence" decisions allowing access to the market for financial companies.

But there were few signs of progress on the main obstacles to the finalization of a withdrawal agreement, particularly on the "backstop" needed to avoid a border between Northern Ireland and the Republic. d & # 39; Ireland.

Theresa May, British Prime Minister, presented the support proposals in a 98-page white paper earlier this month. The United Kingdom-wide safety net is designed to avoid a customs border between the United Kingdom and Irish territory if Britain leaves the bloc in March 2019 without a trade agreement.

million. Raab said the British plan represented "a practical solution" that would protect "the economic and constitutional integrity of the EU". Acknowledging the criticisms raised by the EU, he said that Britain had "treated each of them in detail and that we would continue to respond to any outstanding concerns."

million. Raab insists that a "limited period of time", so that this would not "give rise to a prolonged vacuum", while Britain remained stuck in the customs union of the United States. EU.

David Davis, the predecessor of Mr. Raab, had insisted on ending what is called "temporary customs arrangements" by the end of 2021, a short delay that the EU considered unrealistic and impossible to justify.

million. Barnier said the British Brexit negotiators had "understood" Brussels' concerns and promised to come up with "concrete" proposals to break the stalemate when negotiations resumed in mid-August.

"We must move forward and agree on a legally binding mechanism to conclude the withdrawal agreement," Barnier said.

Britain hopes that EU leaders will begin to pressure Mr. Barnier to persuade him to adopt a more flexible approach to negotiations, or ask him to do so through a revised mandate.

He warned London not to disturb him by approaching European capitals. "Anyone who wants to find a little difference between my mandate and the leaders is wasting his time, quite frankly," he said.

million. Barnier also cast doubt on a British plan for a "facilitated customs arrangement" involving Britain collecting import duties on behalf of the EU after Brexit.

The EU would not agree to "delegate the application of its customs policy … to a non-member who is not subject to the governance structures of the Union. EU, "said Barnier. "Any customs arrangement or customs union must respect this principle."

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