Boris Johnson tells British Prime Minister Theresa May that she is choking Brexit's "dream"


Boris Johnson launched a scathing attack on Theresa May's Brexit strategy, claiming that "the dream is dying, stifled by useless doubts"

  Boris Johnson photographed in March 2018

Boris Johnson (file) in March.
Photo: AFP

In his letter of resignation from his position as Foreign Secretary, he declared that the Prime Minister was leading the United Kingdom into a "half-Brexit" with the "status of colony »

Brexit Minister David Davis Leaves Cabinet

Dominic Raab Named Brexit Secretary by Ms. May After Davis Resignation

  Brexit's New British Minister Dominic Raab Leaves 10 Downing Street July 9, 2018.

Dominic Raab, new Minister of Brexit.
Photo: AFP

Ms. May insists that her plans are "the best way to honor" the Brexit vote, in the midst of a growing political crisis deep.

The official spokesman for the prime minister said it would oust him as prime minister if the 48 Conservative MPs demanded a contest.

She has already faced her detractors at a dense meeting of conservative backbenchers, many of whom share Mr. Johnson's concerns about his position on the Brexit

At the end of the 1922 committee meeting, at which the prime minister attended for a little more than an hour

leaving the rally, Prime Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg declared that & # 39; He did not think that there would be a vote of confidence on Ms. May. But the ministerial assistant Chris Green resigned from his He was appointed private secretary of the Ministry of Transport after the meeting, stating in a letter to Ms. May that she had confirmed her fears that "we would not leave actually the EU "as part of its proposals

. Johnson does not punch, saying Brexit "should be a question of opportunity and hope" and a "chance to do things differently", but "this dream is in the process of to die, suffocated by a useless doubt "

. He claims that crucial decisions have been postponed, including the preparation of a "no agreement" scenario, "with the result that we seem to be heading towards a half Brexit, with large parts of the economy still locked in the European system,

The United Kingdom is expected to leave the European Union on March 29, 2019, but the two sides still have to agree on the functioning of trade between the United Kingdom and the UK, the EU thereafter.

There have been differences within the nservatives over until the UK should prioritize the economy by making compromises on issues such as leaving the European Court of Justice and putting an end to the free movement of people

Theresa May only has a majority in Parliament with the support of the 10 MPs In 1965, she took her entire practice to her country residence to try to get a n agreement on a British vision of post-Brexit relations.

An agreement was announced after the 12-hour meeting, but many Brexit members were unhappy with the deal that they believe will lead to the "worst of both worlds."

Why did David Davis resign? The man at the head of the UK trading team, David Davis, resigned late on Sunday night, stating that he was not in agreement with the UK's proposals, while he was the wrong person to negotiate with them. t He thought that the United Kingdom was giving "too much, too easily" and predicted that the European Union would require more concessions in the negotiations.

million. Davis, who has been secretary of the Brexit since Ms. May became prime minister in 2016, said she has made compromises since she took on the role, but that was "a compromise too far".

Theresa May sticks to her plan Brexit

  Theresa May, British Prime Minister, speaks in the House of Commons of the Brexit of London on July 9, 2018.

Prime Minister Theresa May has defended his plans for Brexit.
Photo: AFP / PRU

Speaking in a rowdy House of Commons, May defended the Brexit plan passed on Friday, which would see the UK accept a "common settlement" with the government. EU for merchandise trade

She paid tribute to Johnson's "passion" for defending Britain after Brexit and Davis' work in key Brexit legislation.

But she told MPs, "We are doing We are not agreeing on the best way to meet our common commitments to honor the result of the referendum. "

Ms May told MEPs that the plan agreed by Checkers' firm was the basis of a" responsible and credible "offer.But she cautioned that if the EU does not go ahead, was not engaged in its plan, there was a "serious risk" that the UK would leave the country in March 2019 without a "messy" agreement.

proposal, a treaty would be signed committing the UK to "pursue the "Harmonization" with the EU's rule – avoid friction at the UK-EU border, including in Northern Ireland.

But Parliament would oversee UK trade policy and would have the possibility of "choosing" to disregard EU rules – an end, but a "mobility framework" would allow citizens of the UK and the EU to continue to study and to working in each other's territories.

What was the reaction in the Commons? He gave up a "sinking ship". being "the illusion of unity" initially surrounding the Checkers plan.

There was a crisis in the government, adding, "It is clear that this government can not get a good deal."

Ms. May has been pressured by prominent conservative Brexitory members into the backseat, 39, former chief Iain Duncan Smith urging him to exclude further concessions during the talks.

What was the EU's reaction? The European Commission declined to comment on The exit of Mr Davis but Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, said that he hoped that a change of faces could lead to a change of policy.

What does all this mean? ie for Brexit?

UK and EU negotiate Brexit terms for more Since 1965, the goal of the Day Checkers has been to agree on the position of the UK – after two years of discussion – but resignations have questioned

Uncertainty in the UK comes before the plan is officially submitted to the European Union, which may well be unhappy with the aspects it previously had qualified as "cherry picking".

Another element Friday's agreement deserves to be underlined: it's committed to speeding up preparations for the UK to be ready to leave the EU without an agreement on Brexit next March.


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