British MP files a letter of no confidence for Prime Minister Theresa May


A Conservative MP in the UK went back to Theresa May, submitting a letter of censorship, declaring that he had " lost confidence "in the Prime Minister's ability to deliver the EU

Philip Davies, Member of Parliament for Shipley, submitted the letter to the Chairman of the 1922 Backbench Committee in the United Kingdom Independent .

He had stated that May's Checkers plan for Brexit was "unacceptable" "and the alleged failure to deliver the highly controversial Brexit could end up with Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister.

  A Member of Parliament conservative lit his prime minister - conservative leader Theresa May, submitting a letter of "trust".


A Conservative MP returned against his leader from the Conservative government, Theresa May, by submitting a letter of "non-confidence."

He says he wrote the letter "reluctantly."

Davies was quoted in Yorkshire Post saying that many people had told him that they had lost confidence in May to "properly and completely deliver the referendum." Boris Johnson leaves the British cabinet, but may want the best job
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* Winston Peters says that there is "overflow" in British politics. [19659020] * Resignation of Boris Johnson and "Minister Brexit", leaving the British government of Theresa May in disarray

"It is with great sadness that I must say that he also lost trust in her to get the result of the referendum ".

If the letter of Davies is joined by 47 other Conservative MPs, a vote of no confidence will be triggered, however, reports Independent do not know how many other Conservative MPs have submitted letters.

This comes after the resignation of two high-ranking ministers over Brexit earlier in July, when Brexit First Secretary David Davis and then Foreign Minister Boris Johnson resigned, saying that May's plans for future relations with the European Union were not up to Brexit

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