Breastfeeding is one of the best gifts you can give your baby. It helps to strengthen the bond between mother and baby, protects infants against various health problems, including colds and ear infections, and even helps to protect against childhood obesity.
For years, breastfeeding variety of parameters. The Cayuga County Health Department has the advantage of having three certified lactation counselors. The Cayuga County WIC office also has a breastfeeding consultant certified by an international board of directors, a CLC counselor and two WIC peer counselors who promote and help women breastfeed. The IBCLC, CLCs, WIC peer counselors, public health nurses and staff promoted breastfeeding and offered support to women enrolled in our maternal and child health programs and our program. WIC for years
. Community Hospital to offer good check calls to moms who have just delivered their baby. These calls are made to any Cayuga County mom who signs a form at the hospital, and moms do not have to be enrolled in a health department program to be contacted. As part of the audit call, mothers are asked about breastfeeding and those who breastfeed are made aware of local resources. If a mother has difficulty breastfeeding, our CLCs can offer suggestions over the phone or even make a home visit.
In recognition of World Breastfeeding Week (August 1-7), the WIC program of the Cayuga County Health Department in the global event called the Big Latch On. This is the fourth year that the WIC Cayuga County will participate in the event and the numbers continue to increase each year. The goal is to have breastfeeding women worldwide at the same time. Last year, 23 countries hosted Big Latch community events and more than 18,000 women breastfed their children.
Our local Big Latch On event is to celebrate and educate the public about breastfeeding in the community. This FREE Family Event will take place at Hoopes Park on Saturday, August 4th. You do not have to be a WIC participant to attend. Registration for the event will take place at 10:00 am. The Big Latch will be held at 10:30 am. This year's activities include a Home Depot sponsored children's workshop, makeup, hand massages, refreshments and raffles. Vitale Farms from the Auburn Farmer's Market will also participate with fresh products available for purchase. Anyone with questions about the event can contact one of our WIC peer counselors at [email protected] or [email protected]
Education, promotion and community support are essential to help increase breastfeeding rates. We have resources on breastfeeding, information and a local resource guide available on our website, www.cayugacounty.us/health and on the Cayuga County's Facebook page Breastfeeding Connection
. Anyone with any questions about breastfeeding can contact the Department of Health at (315) 253-1560 or the WIC office of Cayuga County at (315) 253-1406 and ask to speak to a qualified breastfeeding expert
Deanna Ryan, MS, is a public health educator from the Cayuga County Department of Health.
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