Discover Bones, Blood and Tissues in the World's First 3D Color X-Ray


Do you think you know what to expect from an x-ray? Think again. MARS Bioimaging has just developed the world's first 3D color X-ray – it's pretty amazing (and a bit strange). The MARS system is a medical scanner using CERN technology, and captures the human body in a striking way. It took more than a decade to develop and offer not only more visually stimulating bone scans, but also more accurate results for physicians and patients.

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The "Spectral CT" uses a sensor that can measure specific wavelengths of X-rays as they pass through various materials. Then, the system executes the spectroscopic data with the help of algorithms, generating a 3D colored image in unimaginable detail before. In these scans, you can not only see bones, but also blood, tissue, fat and even the inner workings of a watch. The MARS scanner uses Medipix chips, which were first developed to track particles at Large Hadron Collider. The chip works essentially as a camera that captures and counts each individual particle to produce highly accurate 3D renderings of the human body. According to CERN, technology can "get images that no other imaging tool can achieve."

Mars Bioimaging

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The scanner was used to study cancer, vascular diseases and bones. joint health. "In all of these studies, promising preliminary results suggest that when spectral imaging is commonly used in clinics, it will allow for more accurate diagnosis and customization of treatment," said Professor Anthony Butler, a developer of technology. In the coming months, a group of orthopedic and rheumatological patients in New Zealand will test 3D colored X-rays in clinical trials. The company hopes to eventually publish the scanner.

(CERN / New Atlas)

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