Fears of an isolated Amazonian tribe could be "wiped out" by measles


Fears were raised that an isolated Amazonian tribe could be "wiped out" after a measles outbreak swept through their community.

Nearly two dozen Yanomami people sought treatment for measles-like symptoms in Brazil.

A case has already been confirmed among the 35,000 strong spiritual tribe living deep in the world's largest rainforest between Brazil and Venezuela.

"These tribes are the most vulnerable people on the planet. said Stephen Corry, director of Survival International, a campaign group for the rights of tribal people.

Les Urgent medical care is the only thing that stands between these communities and total devastation. the flu that they have never known before many of them die, and entire populations can be wiped out.

Many more could get sick in Venezuela, where Survival International is harder to get information amidst the country's economic crisis.

Survival International said that a measles outbreak among the Yanomami in the 1960s killed nearly 10% of those infected.

The tribe is also threatened by thousands of gold diggers working illegally on their land, transmitting disease and polluting the rivers and the forest with mercury.

More than 460 cases of measles were confirmed in two Brazilian states bordering Venezuela, Roraima and Amazonas.

The epidemic in Brazil, which numbers 207 million people, occurs two years after the World Health Organization declared the Americas free of measles.

Officials fear cases have been imported from Venezuela, where health services have collapsed and measles cases have exploded.

Hundreds of thousands of people fled the South American nation in crisis. ] More than 2,000 cases have been recorded in Venezuela since the infection began to spread last year, according to official figures.

Measles is a highly contagious viral infection that spreads easily in the air, coughing, sneezing or even breathing.

Symptoms of measles include fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and a rash that spreads over the body. It can be fatal in one in 15 cases.

Brazilian health officials fighting to contain the epidemic offered vaccinations to unprotected residents and refugees who register with the police.

Some 200 cases of measles have been confirmed. Roraima, and another 263 in Amazonas. But hundreds of others are being investigated.

Three other states – Rio Grande do Sul, Rondônia and Mato Grosso – also had confirmed cases of measles, which can lead to pneumonia.

It comes after England publishes another warning to verify that they have the infection continuing to spread to both doses of the MMR vaccine.

This year, 643 people were diagnosed with contagious infection in England, and there are major epidemics in Europe.

The number of cases is increasing rapidly in England – the number has increased by more than half since the beginning of May, when 440 cases were confirmed.

More than 13,000 cases of measles were reported on the continent during the year prior to April, most in Italy, France, Greece, and Romania.

PHE stated that it is important that travelers make sure that they are vaccinated because adults who catch measles are more likely to end up in the hospital than the adults. children.

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