First time: New Zealand eliminates Mycoplasma bovis from dairy herds



First time: New Zealand eliminates Mycoplasma bovis from dairy herds

July 26, 2018

This has never been done before. New Zealand has announced its intention to try to eradicate Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) from its dairy herds.

"The government has made the official announcement that we will try to eradicate Mr. Bovis which is a first in the world.No one else has tried to do it, "said Dr. Scott McDougall, a professor at the Massey University and research veterinarian having a private practice in New Zealand.

" It will certainly be a big challenge for us, and I guess you could ask, "Well, why would we want to try to eradicate it?" We really believe that the bacteria has been introduced relatively recently, probably over the past two years in New Zealand. to a relatively small number of herds, so that we are in a unique situation that allows us to find these herds and to remove these animals, to slaughter these animals and, as I say, of the To eradicate.

Nobody in New Zealand time the size and scope of the upcoming challenge, but Dr. McDougall believes that the eradication of M. bovis is a unique opportunity to eradicate the bacteria if it is not eradicated. to cow across the country in a year or two, and when that happens, there will be no chance of eradicating it.

"The decision was not taken lightly, it is a major decision.This is a very high cost for taxpayers and the agricultural industries that both contribute to the cost, but we believe that it is technically feasible and that with the support of the government, the dairy industry and the beef industry, we hope this will be achievable. said, "It will take a number of years; it's not a quick fix, but the process is there, the systems are there, the infrastructure is there to allow us to do it. "

Elsewhere in the world, M. bovis is an endemic disease So why did New Zealand take a stand against this disease?

" When you try and esteem the cost of having [ M. bovis ] in the population is, it is not negligible, "said Dr. McDougall." There is a proportion of herds that will introduce the bacteria. " , probably because they import an infected animal, and they will have an outbreak. "

A focus of M. bovis can be very serious with a high proportion of infected animals and a multi-quartile mastitis syndrome that does not respond to therapy. In young flocks, pneumonia and middle ear infections (tilted head) are common symptoms seen in calves.

"It's incurable and I think it's an important point to point out. Once it's there, really your options are pretty limited. "

In New Zealand, the dairy industry is open with a lot of animal movements

" We have what is called the sharemilking system that allows someone to do it. one who has cows to bring "If the mycoplasmas were endemic, there would be a lot of complications in moving the cows or a cost to try to certify that the cows are free of infection." This would prevent farmers particularly young people to move their herds and move forward in the dairy industry. "

The cost-benefit ratio also suggests that at this point it is appropriate to try to eradicate, a Dr. McDougall concluded

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         Sarah Mikesell, Editor-in-Chief "title =" Sarah Mikesell, Editor-in-Chief "/>
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