Five dead in Congo DR plane crash


Tshikapa (DR Congo), Jul 27 (AFP) Five people burned to death after a small passenger aircraft crashed today in southern Democratic Republic of Congo near the border with Angola, a local official said, giving a provisional toll.

The piston-engined Antonov 2, operated by local airline Air Kasai, burst into flames after crashing just after taking off from Kamako for a flight to Tshikapa, 150 km away.

"The plane crashed into the three-kilometer brush ( two miles) from Kamako, "said Anacletus Muswa Kapinga Safia, deputy territorial administrator.

" We are unable to talk, "he said.

" We already We will know the last of the dead people in the United States. "

The crash is the second in a month in DR Congo's sprawling Kasai province.

Last month, a light flat chartered by the World Food Program (WFP) eoff at Kamonia, leaving several people injured. (AFP) KIS

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