Government must help fight syphilis, say doctors


Doctors urge the government to step up the fight against rising syphilis rates – which cost the lives of two babies.


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In a letter to Assistant Minister of Health Julie Anne Genter of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) stated that there is now cases of congenital syphilis, where an infection was passed from a pregnant woman to her unborn baby.

According to the Department of Health, the number of New Zealanders with syphilis has doubled in the last two years

The symptoms of syphilis depend on the stage of infection, but may include ulcerations genital or verrucous warts, fever and hairs. 19659005] "The main concern is that we have an illness that is about to come out, that is coming back, it's a disease we would not expect to be troubled in New Zealand, in our health system". who wrote the letter.

According to Dr. Brown, [traduction]

There are only eight full-time sexual health specialists in the country, he said.

ask the government to establish an electronic monitoring system that properly monitors the cases of infection and provide appropriate resources to curb the spread of the disease.

Ms. Genter stated that the previous government had not made sexual health a priority or taken It also blamed them for not having sexual health goals in place – so funding to fight a Increased disease in HIV and syphilis was not available.

An Awareness Campaign in Auckland Has Made Some Improvements "Even when we were in opposition last year, it was clear that syphilis numbers were increasing, in fact they came down slightly in Auckland . "

I would say that there has already been an answer that has been effective, but we need to speed up the process, and the doctors are quite right to raise public awareness of the issue.

It was obvious that a huge Mrs. Genter was needed to say that the focus was on prevention, testing, and treatment

. A review of the health system is currently underway. [ad_2]
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