High rates of obesity are inevitable given the unhealthy food of New Zealand


One of the leading causes of the very high rates of obesity in New Zealand was highlighted in a global study from the University of Auckland

a comprehensive study composition, labeling, marketing and food prices. schools and retail stores found that food environments were mostly unhealthy. In addition, the study found that policies and actions of the government and the food industry to improve the safety of food environments were relatively weak. "People choose their diets in the food environments that surround them and when these are dominated by unhealthy foods and beverages, it is not surprising that our overall diets are unhealthy and our rates are high. Obesity are so high, "said Professor Boyd Swinburn who led the three-year study funded by the Health Research Council and the Heart Foundation.

"Among the many under-studies of this project, several" The food in the schools was surprisingly unhealthy given all the advertising on the increase of childhood obesity and food marketing for children was strongly dominated by unhealthy foods through all forms of media and used techniques to engage children such as premium offers and cartoon characters. Food labeling was also a problem associated with the slow adoption of the Health Star Rating System and many unhealthy foods with positive nutrition claims.

Among the main findings of the study are:

• Only 40% food policy, but even these policies were very weak and not exhaustive. More than 90% of schools used unhealthy food for fundraising and 42% sold sweetened beverages. In the "school zones" (500 m from the school gate), there was an average of 2.4 take-away or convenience stores and 9 outdoor advertisements for unhealthy foods
• Food marketing for kids watch: 8 ads per hour for unhealthy food rush hours of television; 43 percent of food advertisements in teen magazines were for unhealthy foods; 18% of food companies have designated children's sections on their websites; • About a quarter of the less healthy packaged foods contained nutrition claims and the low percentage of products with Health Stars tended to be the healthiest products.
• Significant disparities have been observed in food environments. Compared to more affluent neighborhoods, inner city neighborhoods had about three times more takeaway, fast food and convenience stores; more ads for unhealthy foods around schools and; "You do not have to look far to see why we have big health disparities in obesity rates, diabetes, dental caries and even mental health issues," said Swinburn. . . "Improving food environments through government and food industry actions would go a long way in breaking cycles of poverty and poor health."

Advances in District Health Boards to Improve Food Environments in the hospital . However, there is considerable room for greater leadership from government and industry. Overall ratings of the degree of government action versus international best practices were 43% in 2014 and 48% in 2017 and the median scores of reformulation commitments among the top 25 food companies were only 34%.

Kathryn McPherson of the Health Research Council says that "choice" is a complex subject and that for many people, making good food choices is hindered by strong environmental indications such as the most readily available food .

of this research which should inform decisions of schools, policy makers and even food manufacturers. "

The full report and executive summary are available at


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