How you (and your colleagues) can treat when someone has an anxiety attack at work


Hannah Ferrier experienced a debilitating anxiety attack on Below Deck Mediterranean.

Hannah Ferrier, head chef under the Mediterranean Deck experienced a debilitating anxiety attack on a recent episode of the show and revealed his growing feelings for Conrad. Empson, with the stress of working with the crew, and lack of sleep trying to juggle everything that contributed to his stress.

She thanked the fans who sent her words of support following the incident. "Thanks for the love and support of the Twitter world.Anxiety is not an easy thing to deal with made harder with cameras in your face.But that's the job." , she posted on Instagram. "I really appreciate the support."

Kasey Cohen tweeted his support, writes, "Anxiety is a real thing. It is important to be patient with oneself, to be kind to oneself and to take care of oneself. Conrad Empson Reacts to Hannah Ferrier's Anxiety Attack "title =" "/>

Personal Space spoke to New York therapist Dr. Elizabeth Lasky about how to handle anxiety like Hannah at work. She says that there is a certain point where we have to pay attention because increasing anxiety is affecting our health and our work.

"We all feel anxious from time to time. It's completely normal. But when anxiety interrupts our activities of daily living, we may need to pay special attention to it, "says Dr. Lasky. "It was an open sight to see Hannah having a panic attack in such a public forum.His vulnerability and honestly serve as a teaching moment for many.

" L & # 39; Anxiety is, of course, emotional and can also be physical. We see Hannah shaking, crying and shaking. She is also emotionally distant from others. It's very common. Many people experience physical symptoms of anxiety from mild to extreme. These symptoms include heart palpitations, nausea, headaches and tremors. "

Dr. Lasky says, like Hannah, many people have anxiety about deep relationships and attachments."

"For Hannah, her current relationship was causing her anxiety. That makes a lot of sense and is common, "she says, adding that Captain Sandy Yawn has handled it very well.

"She was extremely kind to Hannah and treated her with great respect. I loved how she never pushed Hannah to get back to work and encouraged her to rest, "says Dr. Lasky.

"If you feel anxious, try to calm down," she adds. "These actions will be different for everyone.Some people like to find someone to talk to, listen to music or go for a walk.In some cases, a drug can be used.See your doctor or find a good therapist. if you think you have anxiety symptoms that concern you.There is a lot of help out there. "

Try to understand and do not reject their feelings. It just does not work and only shows that you do not understand.

"If your loved one is anxious, just ask him what he needs from you.Do not tell them to" go out ", it's like telling someone who has headache to simply "stop having a headache."

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