LIVE: Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters on Foreign Affairs and Nurses' Strike


Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters Joins Leighton Smith Live

Speaking of his tenure as Acting Prime Minister, Peters says he's not thought about knowing he's going to be here. he enjoyed it

"It never happens to me to enjoy it.

" I just started, it was very busy. It happened a few things that we had to deal with with the utmost care.

"But, basically, it's like I'm waiting for it," Peters said.

Peters would not be able to say if

"I am doing a job and I will do it to the best of my abilities."

Asked by Smith about the fact that the 2017 election was the last, Peters again referred to the situation in Malaysia, where the prime minister is 93 years old and his deputy is age from Peters to 73 years old.

"I mean, in our modern day, many people are living much longer, they are doing things to foreign affairs. Peters, who is also the foreign minister, said that it's a good thing. was between the people and not between the rulers

"We should never forget to cultivate, the fraternity enlarged, the fellowship, Indeed, all kinds of cloistered, arrogant and selfish people could be the example" [19659011] "And that's why we should never comment on what this person looks like, what it looks like.

Peters said he met Russian President Vladimir Putin and others, but he did not express

Peters said that it was likely that the meeting between Putin and the US President Donald Trump would lead to the weakening of the "anti-Russian commercial boycott, which could pose the question, well"

Speaking of the denuclearization of North Korea, Mr. Peters said that was critical.

"I think a lot of countries will have to make efforts to ensure, in particular: the influence of China, to make sure that happens and we give North Korea the means to do that. securing its economic future. "

Mr. Peters stated that there was no doubt that the meeting between US President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un in Singapore was the right thing"

] "I would always applaud people who meet and even converse when they have great differences in their opinions and points of view.

Peters says espionage led to greater attempts to interfere with

"And this leads to more severe measures by other countries to counter this, to prevent that to happen, to make sure that they know where that level of interference and undue hardship is coming in, in terms of He said that it was the reason why New Zealand had "collegial relations" with countries with which it shared information.

"You Can not afford not to do so."

New Zealand is a member of the Five Intelligence Sharing Group Eyes, which includes Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.

Speaking of local government, Peters said that he suspected the central government of taking too much money. money to taxpayers for local reasons, ends, age The councils must its for taxpayers, but do not give enough money to local councils.

"We are now looking at things … but there is one thing that works for the whole country, especially that part of the country Speaking of nurses' strikes last week, Smith said that he does not did not believe that there was more money for the offer of 530 million dollars.

Peters said that the government could pay more nurses if "I could tell you a thousand things, including our role in important places like Antarctica, offshore as a good international neighbor because we could not spend money on other priorities such as the police, infrastructure, transportation, conservation, we need our neighborhood to be healthy and clean and safe from the disharmony we experienced in the past

"Of course we could do that for the nurses if we made other sacrifices, but in the end we try to do all that and do it In terms of budget, there is still room for nurses to talk to us about some things that we can manage, but expect them to do so … in the space of the nurses. a budget is a little too much. "[19659002]" I would not see any inconvenience to bring them up and say – you look at the books and see what's left here. "

Peters cited the outbreak of M. bovis, kiwi kiwi disease and other medical pressures.

"Overall, I am not unfriendly," said Peters, mentioning that his mother was also a nurse.

The government hoped that there would be no more strike but negotiations would continue

He said that the nurses union and the DHB were not very far away in this that they were looking for.

He said that there was clearly an intention of the faction to go on strike.

a lot of pent-up fervor that has accumulated over the years that we have inherited. In the end, we will put our best foot forward … we will go into these talks after this strike with the best intention and hope we will succeed. "

Speaking of New Zealand's Influence First in the Coalition Government, Peters said:" Whatever your percentage, multiply it because it is much more influential than parties with no option, so to speak. "

But he warned that parties should never throw their political weight into an MMP environment." 19659002] "At any time, when decisions are made, you have to ask people what is the basis of this decision.If it is the coalition agreement, fine, or if it is not in the coalition agreement but we have reached a collective agreement, so it's okay, but you can not say that I'm going to take these steps for myself and you can all follow me if you like it or not. "

Peters said that there should be to have a lot more responsibility in business and politics when people "did not care". ] "This country has been, for too long, not responsible."

"Too much nonsense happens in both business and politics, and people are not held accountable."

"How many times do I have to tell people that there is something rotten here, who if I'd wrong would see me in a defamation court, but they"

Speaking of Minor parties and their disappearance in the last election, Mr. Peters said that it was because they had to show their hand too early and declare with whom they were going to work in the government

. Now, forgetting. "

When Smith pointed out that they had sovereignty over their vote, Peters said:" Sovereignty where nothing is nothing.This is sweet FA as they say in the New Zealand countryside. "

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