Live: Euphoria & # 39; like the first boys in the cave – "alive and well"


The first schoolchildren were reportedly "alive and well" after divers performed a carefully constructed rescue mission.

There is "euphoria" among those gathered near the entrance to the news, say the reports.

The first two patients were treated at the entrance to the cave before being transported to the hospital, reports the MailOnline.

"Two children are currently in the hospital near the cave," said Tossathep Boonthong, head of the Chiang Rai Health Department. "We give them a physical examination, they have not yet been transferred to the Chiang Rai hospital," Tossathep told Reuters

. Operation at 10am local time after the anxious families of boys were informed.

All young people and their 25-year-old coach should emerge one by one from the cave by 9 pm if everything goes as planned, Governor Naro Ngsak told reporters Sunday morning

Each boy will be accompanied by two divers on the perilous journey of 4 km through murky waters and narrow tunnels. It is understood that they will be able to walk most of the time after the teams have drained the water level by 30 cm last night.

Trapped boys will be divided into four groups. The first group will have four people, the second, third and fourth people three people. The coach will be in the last group, according to Thai media

The boys are trapped 800 meters underground, which equates to two buildings of the Empire State one on the island.

"Today is the day," said the governor who led the rescue. "The water level has reached its lowest level in ten days We ask to pray for this operation to be a success

  Rescue the workers along the main road leading to Tham Luang Nang No cave like the first 2 ambulances carrying 2 boys Photo: Getty Images
The rescuers on the main road to Tham Luang Nang No cave while the first 2 ambulances carrying 2 boys pass. exit. All families were informed of the operation today. "

  Nurses wait outside the Chaingrai Prachanukroh Hospital, where boys will be rescued Photo / Getty Images
Nurses wait in front of Chaingrai Prachanukroh Hospital Photo / Getty Images

Gusts of heavy monsoon rains have flooded the Tham Luang cave area in northern Chiang Rai Province and storms are expected in the coming weeks, increasing the risks in what the l? we call war with water and time "to save the team.

Young people will be driven out of tunnels one by one and driven directly to Chiang Rai Prachanukroh Hospital, 57km from the cave.

The hospital said five emergency doctors were waiting for the party and another 30 doctors were waiting, adding that everyone felt tense.

The most critical will be transported by helicopter while the less fragile will be transported by ambulance.

All boys were briefed on the operation, which is eagerly watched around the world and they are ready to go out, says the governor.

"They are very strong and determined to go out and be reunited with their families."

The idea of ​​inserting an inflatable nylon tube into the cave system to create an underwater tunnel for boys trapped on the outside is tested near the caves.

Billionaire Tech Elon Musk on Friday considered the idea of ​​a possible solution to put boys, who do not know how to swim, safe without having to be in the water

Thai rescuers were photographed with the inflatable tube near the cave system at the moment the rescue mission began today

The evacuation takes place on the 16th day of the operation . The mission started as the monsoon clouds finally broke out, with rain showers flooding the mountainous countryside

"It's the best day for the operation," says the Governor. 12 boys and their football coach have been trapped since 23 June. Photo / AP "src =" data: image / png; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAPAAAOrq6v /// yH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw == "data-srcset =" //×220/smart/filters:quality (70) / 320w, //×258/smart/ filters: quality (70) / 375w, //×426/smart/filters : quality (70) / 620w "/>

Thai policemen stand guard next to a cave where 12 boys and their football coach have been trapped since June 23. Photo / AP

A medical examination was performed yesterday by a medical specialist who confirmed that they were in a condition to be evacuated. [19659002] "If no We had not done the mission today, we might not have been able to get them out. to everyone in the world who has followed the tragic record of your support of boys and rescuers. "

The rescue mission will continue until all the stranded boys and their trainers are safe," he said.The first boy may be out of the cave at 9:00 pm local time. but the mission could take three days.

The evacuation team is composed of 18 divers.This includes 13 specialists who came to Thailand for the operation and 5 very experienced Thai divers. [19659002] "It's a team of star divers," said Governor Narongsak.

Thai authorities kidnapped the media – including dozens of foreign television channels, photographers and journalists – from the area around the entrance to the cave this morning.

A fleet of ambulances is waiting at the remote forest site and a helicopter track was hacked into dense jungle. 19659002 ] It was reported this morning that the Prem Thai Minister Prayut Chan-Ocha will arrive tomorrow to oversee the relief effort and meet the families of the people trapped, according to The Bangkok Post.

Anxious families of missing boys revealed their relief that the rescue mission to release them from the flooded cave began.

Pornchai Khamluang's parents, Mongkol Boonpiam and Peerapat Sompiangjal said that they can not wait to see the "All the family is hoping that the boys will come out of the cave as fast as possible," told MailOnline Pornchai's aunt, Jarm Ounsaeng. if the boys are to be transported to the hospital, at least we will be able to visit them. "

Jarm spoke while other parents of the stranded children revealed how their parents and siblings struggled to cope with

The details of the boys' lives – and how much they are precious for their families – appeared as the world awaits news of their escape.

Nattawut Thakamsong's parents – who suffers from asthma and is known as "TLE" – has already suffered grief over having lost a child when her first-born, a daughter, died of cancer while she was only 10 months old.

Mongkol Boonpiam is the only one his aunt, Eytan Hongw Attana, 48, told MailOnline: "Mongkol lives with his mother because his parents have separated. When she passed away, my sister, Namhom Boonpiam, was very sick and she continued to faint. Several times a day she did not want to eat or even drink.

"I live 100 km away, but I came to take care of my sister when she learned that Mongkol was gone.

"She got up every day at the cave. She only comes home a few minutes to take a shower and eat something.

"After finding the boys, she was a little better and reading her letter also helped."

Pornchai's aunt told her mother Kiang Khamlue and her father in Khamluang were frightened ever since He has disappeared.

Jarm told MailOnline: "The whole family is very worried about Pornchai."

"It was a great relief when they were finally found." His mother and little sister, mother Pingsorn Thaiyai, went to the mountains to wait for him. "

" The Little One Daughter refused to go to school because she wanted to hug her brother when he went out. I thought it would be released within five days at most, but now it's been over two weeks

"After receiving Pornchai's letter, my sister [mother] felt much better."

Nattawut teacher Thakamsong Thongyard Kejorn, who is close to the family, told MailOnline: "Before Tie [Nattawut Thakamsong] fami He had a little girl who died of cancer.

"So Tie is their only child and they are devoted to him." 19659002 "Even when he is 14, the father takes him to school and the mother takes him – Always.

"They have been out for two weeks.

" When I saw them, they burst into tears. "

The football team and the coach were trapped in the cave for more than two weeks after a hitching trek has horribly exploded.

Thousands of lifeguards, including SEALs from the Thai Navy and elite British divers, have worked day and night to develop a plan to bring exhausted and hungry boys home safely

Heavy rains for 90 minutes Saturday night, the authorities are eager to continue before it's too much late

"Now and in the next three or four days, conditions are perfect (for evacuation) in terms of water, weather and boys' health," said Governor Narongsak Osottanakorn of Chiang Rai

"We must make a clear decision on this that we can do. "

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