Man who made the heroine "homebake" presents at the death of man in a flattened complex | 1 NEWS


Barely a week after the entry into force in France of a law that would punish people for having sexually harassed other people in public, security images of the public were not allowed. a 22-year-old Parisian assaulted in front of a cafe provoked outrage. The attacker of a student of architecture, Marie Laguerre, made the national headlines and sparked a response from the French Minister of Equality, Marlene Schiappa, who said she was "outraged … but not surprised, unfortunately "by the bombing

The National Assembly passes a law in May to ban" annoying, following and menacing "women, including making sexist comments [19659002] "The political response must be strong, because for the first time in France, we will impose fines on those responsible for street harassment," Schiappa told The Guardian

The attack on Marie Laguerre generated a response furious online, after the 22-year-old posted videos on YouTube.

The scene was transmitted to him by the owner of the cafe

The scene captures a man who passed in Laguerre on the street in front of a café in the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont at 6:45 pm.

Laguerre says that the man "made dirty noises, commented and hissed" to her as they passed, and she in response told him to "shut up".

Laguerre says that the man "heard me and suddenly things happened suddenly, he grabbed an ashtray and threw it on me, he missed my head by a few inches."

The man can then be seen following Laguerre, who turns to face him, at which point he hits her hard in the face.

The striker walks away quickly, with the bosses' coffee rising to face the man, but not stopping him.

"I felt hatred, I refused to be demeaned, it was humiliating," said Laguerre.

"I was so annoyed that I did not want to hide, look down, that he dared to get angry when it was me who was right to be angry.

"I turned to him and everything went extremely fast, but then I knew that he was going to hit me, I was even ready to fight.the shot came, I took it without showing any emotion he continued to shout. "

The attacker has not yet been identified, but the Paris prosecutor's office has opened an investigation into the incident.

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