Mayor forbids controversial Canadian pair to speak in Auckland


The promoter of a controversial Canadian pair accused of hate speech canceled his New Zealand tour after Auckland Mayor Phil Goff denied them access to the cities.

Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux have far-right views Feminism and immigration to Islam

Ms. Southern was banned from entering the United Kingdom more early this year for its part "in the distribution of racist material in Luton", according to the BBC.

The Canadian couple were scheduled to speak next month at the Bruce Mason Center, located on the North Shore of Auckland

. Pressures were exerted on Immigration NZ to publicly ban the entry of this pair with members of the New Zealand Muslim community and the Auckland Peace Action. ] But promoter David Pellowe said the tour had been canceled when Goff decided to ban the pair's access to Auckland's board sites.

  Stefan Molyneux. Photo provided
Stefan Molyneux. Photo / Provided

He told Newstalk ZB that there were no other places available at this late stage and that all tickets should be refunded.

Goff minutes earlier tweeted that council sites should not be used to stir up ethnic or religious tensions in a multicultural and inclusive city encompass people of all faiths and ethnicities

"Opinions that divide rather than s & rsquo; Unite are disgusting, and I have clearly expressed my point of view on this point: Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux will not be "Let me be very clear, the right to freedom of freedom" "Expression does not mean the right to obtain a platform from the Auckland Council for this speech."

@AklCouncil Views should not be used to stir up tensions Ethnic or religious, opinions that divide rather than unite are repugnant and I have clearly expressed my point of view: Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux will not speak in any Council Chamber

. Phil Goff (@phil _goff) July 6, 2018

But Bellowes said that Goff was going to ban the use of government property for "conservative ideas"

"He distorted the nature of the event, the speakers and so on."

"Far from being ready to engage in a contest from robust ideas, it finds much simpler to close "

Bellowes described the decision as very disappointing for" freedom and democracy ".

"I hope that Auckland residents – those of Stalin – will remember this moment of elections," he said.

  Auckland Mayor Phil Goff has banned a controversial Canadian pair from speaking in Auckland Council premises. Photo / Greg Bowker
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff has banned a controversial Canadian pair from speaking in Auckland Council premises. Photo / Greg Bowker

Calling Southern and Molyneux's "alt-right fascist", Valérie Morse, a member of Auckland Peace Action, promised to confront his supporters in the street and block their chat sites.

"Lauren Southern United Kingdom for distributing racist material, she is the spokesperson for violent anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant actions," Morse said

"She even boarded aboard 39, a boat in the Mediterranean. "

Morse said he was concerned that right-wing extremism was reaching" our communities through sophisticated propaganda and subversive strategies "in a manner that could lead to acts of violence.

"It is imperative that this type of racism has no place to be promoted and encouraged in Aotearoa."

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