Mexico, LeBron James, World Cup: your Monday briefing


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Here's What You Should Know:

Mexico Rejects the Status Quo [19659007] • The overwhelming victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Sunday's presidential election places the left at the helm of Latin America's second-largest economy for the first time in decades.

His victory upsets the political establishment of the nation and represents a rejection of a centrist vision and the adoption of globalization that, in the view of many Mexicans, did not benefit them. Here are five highlights of the election.

In his third presidential candidacy, López Obrador pledged to end corruption, reduce violence and fight endemic poverty. But he must now deliver.

There are distinct parallels between Mr. López Obrador and President Trump, and there will be pressure for the new Mexican leader to adopt a less conciliatory line with the United States.

End of a trek, beginning of another

• Many migrants detained at the southern border are equipped with ankle monitors to make sure they come back for the dates of hearing. But with these appointments that sometimes last for months, newcomers disperse across the United States

A Texas photographer witnessed fragments of the immigration crisis

. the Trump administration policy that led to the separation of immigrant parents from their children, chanting "families belong together".

President Trump encouraged Democratic candidates to accept petitions to dissolve immigration.

A Fight Against Abortion Remodeled

• "As proponents on both sides of the abortion divide are considering a Supreme Court with two people named by Trump, one thing is certain: l & # 39; America even without legal abortion would be very different from America before abortion was legal. "

A daughter the daughter of Lebanese refugees, said: "Danish politics is just about Muslims now. They want us to be more assimilated or we go out. I do not know when they will be satisfied with us. "

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