Mike Pompeo to visit North Korea this week for nuclear talks | News from the world


Mike Pompeo will visit North Korea on Thursday with the goal of putting pressure on the Pyongyang regime over commitments that the US announced at a summit last month in Singapore, the department confirmed. of the State

. US and North Korean authorities reportedly met in the demilitarized zone between the two Koreas this weekend, while Pyongyang stepped up its nuclear and missile programs since the Singapore summit last month

Andrew Kim, the head of the CIA's Korean department and Sung Kim, a former US negotiator in the Philippines, met with North Korean counterparts in Panmunjom in the demilitarized zone, according to the South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo

. On Monday, Pompeo will travel to Pyongyang on Thursday and will remain until Saturday to "continue consultations and implement the progress made by President Trump and President Kim in Singapore." [19659002] Pompeo will then travel to Tokyo where he will meet with Japanese and South Korean leaders "to discuss our joint commitment to the final and fully verified denuclearization of the DPRK, as well as other bilateral and regional issues", said the state department.

After the Singapore summit, Trump tweeted: "There is no more nuclear threat" in North Korea, but in recent days, multiple leaks from the US survey have shown that the The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday that North Korea had developed a solid-fuel ballistic missile manufacturing facility in Hamhung, based on satellite images analyzed by the Institute for Nuclear Energy. Middlebury International Studies (MIIS) in Monterey. California

  Satellite image of a North Korean missile production facility in Hamhung City

Satellite image of a North Korean missile production facility in Hamhung City. Photography: Handout / Reuters

The diplomat quoted intelligence officials as saying Pyongyang was also continuing its work on mobile launchers for its latest generation of ballistic missiles.

This follows a report by NBC News, citing several intelligence officials as well, claiming that work had been stepped up in secret enrichment sites.

North Korea has admitted to running an enrichment plant in its nuclear complex in Yongbyon. However, in 2010, US intelligence services found a site at a place called Kangson, which he considers a hidden parallel site. A third site would have been discovered more recently. Defense Intelligence Agency officials were quoted by CNN saying that they believed that Kim had no intention of disarming, at least for the moment, and that she would seek to hide much of his program.

Pompeo is expected to present Pyongyang Leadership with a request for a complete inventory of its nuclear and missile programs, then a timetable for their dismantling.

Addressing CBS News on Sunday, National Security Advisor John Bolton said that the United States had a complete disarmament plan within a year

"I am sure the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will be discussing with North Koreans in the near future on really how to dismantle all of their WMD and ballistic missile programs in a year, "Bolton told the Face To The Nation program.

Most observers are skeptical that the pace of disarmament is achievable even though Kim "It's not helpful for Trump administration officials to set arbitrary timelines for the denuclearization process, which is going to be a long-term process that will require reciprocal actions of the United States, "said Kelsey Davenport, the director for nonproliferation policy at the Arms Control Association in Washington, said. "The speed with which North Korea is willing to take action depends on what the United States puts on the table in return."