Mum's Facebook photo of what "depression looks like" becomes viral


The mother of four Brittany Ernsperger posted a seemingly simple picture: a pile of clean dishes in her kitchen

But the photo came with a powerful message that resonated with thousands of people around the world.

what does the depression look like, "wrote the mother on Facebook

" No, not the dishes clean, but there were a lot of dishes, two weeks without doing them ", explains-t- she.

"3 days ago I sat on the kitchen floor and I watched them while I cried, I knew that they needed to be done, I wanted to do them so much bad but the depression carried me off. "I walked them morning and night and all day, I looked at them, I thought I could do it, and feel defeated every day that I did not I did not do it.Make depression even worse because not doing something that needs to be done It's a failure.

"Worthless. Failure. Room of s ** t. Incompetent. Dumb. Lazy. All things that go through the mind of someone suffering from depression. All. Day. Long [.]

"Start anxiety, and you have a real treat: be afraid that your husband will leave because he thinks you are lazy, be afraid to let people enter your home because that they will think you are naughty, you have the impression that you are failing your children because for the 3rd night in a row, you do not have clean dishes to cook dinner … so pizza c & rsquo; Is still.

"And worst of all, it's not just with the dishes. Laundry, cleaning, dressing, taking a shower, dressing your children, brushing teeth and teeth, normal daily tasks. Everything becomes a nightmare. A very discouraging task. One day, this is not done at all.

She adds that "depression is something that" strong "people do not talk about because they do not want people to think that they are" weak ".

"You're not weak, you've been strong for so long and through so many things, that your body needs a break, I'm not sure even if the only what you did today was to deodorize it, good job, I'm in your corner, I'm on your side. "

Mum said she was not looking for sympathy, she Just wanted to raise awareness of a situation that many are struggling with.

His message on Facebook quickly became viral, attracting hundreds of comments and about 160,000 shares.

People on social media shared his message because he was describing what they were feeling as well.

"Well, I'm lucky my husband is so understanding, he works all day in the heat, and sometimes it happens that he shops me, it's a shameful and useless feeling," commented a user of Facebook

. Feel first hand. Thank you for posting this, "someone else said.

Ernsperger said that she was not expecting the bestowal of support that She received from her viral Facebook post.

Lifeline : 0800 543 354 (available 24/7)
Crisis Assistance Service suicidal : 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) (available 24/7)
Youthline: 0800 376 633
Kidsline: 0800 543 754 (available 24/7)
Whatsup: 0800 942 8787 (1 pm to 11 pm)
Telephone Assistance for Depression: 0800 111 757 (available 24/7)
Rainbow Youth: (09) 376 4155
Samaritans 0800 726 666
Where it is an emergency and you feel like you or someone else is at risk, call 111.

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