New pest control plan: local people control pests


The Hunter Regional Pest Committee contributes to pest management based on local priorities and local solutions.

This is the purpose of Hunter's Regional Strategic Pest Management Plan which is now in effect

The Plan Identifies Major Threats to Agricultural Production and Native Wildlife in Our Region, and the Best Control Plans strategic to get to the top.

The plan is one of 11 developed around the state, in response to NSW's pest management review by the Natural Resources Commission which identified the need for ################################################################################# 39, improve biosecurity outcomes. Art Brown said the new plan would allow local people to provide key anti-parasite solutions to local communities.

"Our plan identifies wild dogs, foxes, pigs, rabbits, deer, and horses as priority pests." Mr. Brown said: "The plan will guide resources and investments for organizations such as Hunter Local Land Services and public lands.The impacts on primary production, communities and our natural environment can be serious, by attacking livestock and native animals, which creates biosecurity risks for Weed and disease spread, land erosion and waterway degradation.

Effective July 1, existing pest control orders under the Local Services Act, 2013 have been repealed and are being repealed. now subject to the Biosecurity Act 2015.

Government of New South Wales moves away from strict regulation, on the sidelines the state, to allow local people to provide local solutions, which will be a good thing for the hunter because everyone can participate actively. Because pest control orders will no longer exist, it does not mean that there is a weakening of the regulatory approach – compliance and enforcement actions can still to be used if necessary.

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