New victims of possibly nontargeted British nerve agents | 1 NEWS


British authorities investigating a second case of poisoning with the Novichok nerve agent in southwestern England said Thursday that they suspected that the victims were not safe. were not directly targeted but disgusted as a result of the March attack. The last case occurred 12 km from Salisbury where the Skripals were poisoned "/>

Source: 1 NEWS

Police say a British couple in their forties who visited the city of Salisbury was poisoned by police same lethal toxin by the Soviet Union – which almost killed Sergei and Yulia Skripal in the same English city in March.

The new victims are now both seriously ill in the same hospital that treated the Skripals British Prime Minister Theresa May blamed Russia for the first poisonous attack – an assertion that the Kremlin denies.

The unexplained poisoning of two British citizens with no apparent connection to Russia has raised public health concerns in Salisbury, where a massive effort of decontamination

Police cordoned off a house near Amesbury and other places visited by the latest victims, including omitted a church, a pharmacy and a park at Salisbury, near the place where the Skripals were found

. "The working hypothesis would be that these were either victims of the consequence of the previous attack or of something else, but not that they were directly targeted," he said. Security Minister Ben Wallace at the BBC. "This is part of the anger I feel for the Russian state (in the Skripal case) … that they have chosen to clearly use a very, very toxic, very dangerous. "

The British Home Secretary said the same variety as the one used against Skripal and his daughter, but it is not known if both samples came from the same batch.

"What we know clearly … is that it is exactly the same neurotoxic agent of the Novichok family," said Interior Minister Sajid Javid. "We can not attribute that to the same lot at that time, scientists will look at that, I'm also told that it's not even possible."

Wallace said that the Russian government could "right this wrong" about Skripal poisoning. He called on Moscow to provide information and to "tell us what happened, what they did."

"I'm waiting for the phone call from the Russian state," he said. "The offer is there, they are the ones who could give all the clues to ensure people's safety."

The new case arose a few days before a NATO summit attacked the deteriorating relations between Russia and the West. It also happens that Russia hosts the World Cup – a worldwide extravaganza of a month in which the English and Russian football teams have advanced to the present.

The Kremlin spokesman says that Russia is concerned but has nothing to do with poisoning. "Russia categorically denies and continues to categorically deny the possibility of any involvement in what is happening there," President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday. "The British side has not presented any evidence of Russia's involvement in this case, besides unfounded accusations."

Police declared the case "a major incident" Wednesday, four days after a local couple – identified by friends like Dawn Sturgess, 44, and Charlie Rowley, 45, were found collapsed in a residential building in Amesbury, eight miles (13 km) from Salisbury.

Bretton-Gordon's Chemi Hamish said the latest victims were probably collateral debris from the Skripal attack

"The Novichok frost that was smeared on the handle of the Skripal's house was probably transported in a device or syringe ". I said. "I think the current working hypothesis is that this device or this syringe is what has appeared and that the residue has made these two people fall."

Andrea Sella, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at University College London, said: Designed to be quite persistent – they hang around in the environment, evaporating or decomposing quickly.

"This means that if a container or surface was contaminated by this material, it would remain a danger for a long time and it is essential to trace the movements of this couple to identify the places where they could enter in contact with the source, "he said. At first, the investigation was conducted by local police, but the London Metropolitan Police said the anti-terrorist detectives took charge after the substance was identified. s Novichok. According to the police, 100 officers were assigned to the case.

Police announced that police had been called Saturday morning in Amesbury for a collapsed woman, and then were called back in the evening after a man became ill. Authorities initially thought that both had taken a contaminated batch of heroin or crack.

Skripal Disease first confounded the doctors after they were found unconscious on March 4 on a park bench in Salisbury. Scientists at the Porton Down Defense Laboratory concluded that they had been poisoned with Novichok, a type of nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

After weeks in critical condition, the Skripals slowly improved. They were released from the hospital and were taken to a secret location for their protection. Doctors say that they do not know the long-term prognosis for their health.

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